PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide4.3

9.1.2 Preparing the Existing Nodes

Take the following steps to prepare the existing nodes.


  1. Preparing for unexpected failures, you need to back up the entire system of all existing cluster nodes, the PRIMECLUSTER system and the configuration files of each component.

    1. Back up the entire system.

      1. Stop RMS by executing the following command on any one of the existing cluster nodes.

        node1# hvshut -a
      2. Reboot all the existing cluster nodes from a single user mode.

        node1# /usr/sbin/shutdown -g0 -i0 -y
        ok boot -s
        Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,
         (or give root password for system maintenance):
      3. Mount the file system on all the existing cluster nodes.

        node1# mountall -l
        node1# zfs mount -a
      4. Back up the entire system or property in the shared disk by executing the "ufsdump(1M)" or "dd(1M)" command.

    2. Back up the PRIMECLUSTER system and the configuration files of each component.

      1. Back up the configuration files of the PRIMECLUSTER system on all existing cluster nodes. See "Chapter 11 Backing Up and Restoring a PRIMECLUSTER System".

      2. Back up the configuration files that are used for GLS on all existing cluster nodes.
        To back up the configuration files for GLS (redundant line control), use the following command (For details on the "hanetbackup" command, see the " PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and Administration Guide: Redundant Line Control Function "):

        node1# /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetbackup -d /var/tmp/backup 

        To back up the configuration files for the GLS multipath function:

        node1# cd /etc/opt/FJSVmpnet
        node1# tar cvf - conf | compress > /var/tmp/backup/mpnetfile.tar.Z
  2. Define the following information in the /etc/inet/hosts file of all the existing cluster nodes.

    • The IP address of the node to be added and the name of the host that is associated with the IP address

    • The IP address of the remote console that is connected to the node to be added and the host name that is associated with the IP address

  3. Edit the "/opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms/bin/hvenv.local" file with an editor such as "vi" to set it as shown below so that RMS does not start automatically on all the existing cluster nodes, even when a cluster node is rebooted.

    node1# vi /opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms/bin/hvenv.local
    export HV_RCSTART=0
  4. To add a new node, all the existing cluster nodes must be turned off.