NetCOBOL V11.0 Getting Started
FUJITSU Software

Appendix B Tips

  1. To build a module or application in Project Manager you must have the executable module or project selected in the project tree view. If any other item is selected in the tree view, the build function is disabled.

  2. To set compiler and linker options in Project Manager you must have the project selected in the project tree view.

  3. Before invoking the Data function in the debugger, if possible, place the cursor on the data item name you want to inspect. This saves you having to enter the data name in the Data dialog.

  4. The Data file I/O function in the debugger is targeted at Fujitsu-specific data file features, only likely to be found in applications being ported from other Fujitsu environments (e.g. mainframe and UNIX machines).

  5. To create a class information database you first use the menu bar Tools, Class Database, Options dialog to set up the folders containing the class repositories. You then select the Tools, Class Database, Creation function to create the database.

  6. To create a project information database you make sure that "Creation Project Database" is checked on the Project, Option sub-menu, then build the project.

  7. For more information on NetCOBOL check the following sources: Softcopy documentation - All the NetCOBOL manuals are available in softcopy form (Adobe Acrobat pdf). You can access the documentation from the Start>Programs>NetCOBOL menu.

    Help - Most components come with on-line help that explains interface details and command formats.