Systemwalker Operation Manager  Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

Enterprise EditionA.7 Information Relating to Master Schedule Management Function

This section describes the storage directories for information relating to the Master Schedule Management function.

The following information is backed up by the mpbko command and restored by the mprso command when the Master Schedule Management function is enabled.

If the Operation Management Server is used

[Windows version]

<Systemwalker Operation Manager installation directory>
     |_ mpstemsv
        |- stemDBn             (Note 1) (Database directory)
        | |- etc
        | | |_ stemmanager.ini            <- Schedule environment settings file
        | |
        | |- stemmanager.db              <- Schedule status database
        | |- *.lst                       <- Carry-over status files
        | |- change_master.log           <- Operation change log file
        | |- project
        | | |- *.org                      <- Project control statements (registered)
        | | |_ *.err                    <- Project control statements (error information)
        | |- rcv
        | | |- *.log                     <- Schedule application databases
        | | |- *.exc                     <- Project control statements
        | | |- *.lst                     <- Distribution file lists
        | | |- *.dbz,*.grz               <- Schedule files
        | | |- work
        | | | |- yyyymmdd.dat  (Note 2)  <- Schedule submission list files
        | | | |_ yyyymmdd.loc  (Note 2)  <- Carry-over monitoring files
        | | |_ jobschpropmmdd     (Note 2)
        | |    |_ *.prm                  <- Job parameter information
        | |- snd                         <- Distribution-related information
        | |- log
        | | |_ *.log                     <- Trace information
        | |- Start_Check.log             <- Carry-over log file
        | |_ move
        |    |_ *.dbz,*.grz,*.jsp,*.prm  <- Backup schedule files
        |- stem.ini                  <- Environment configuration definition file
        |_ log
           |_ *.log                      <- Trace information

<Systemwalker Operation Manager installation directory>
     |_ mpjobsch
        |_ jobdb       (Note 3)
           |_ jobschbackup2                 <- Operation change backup information

Note 1

"n" indicates a subsystem number (an integer of 0 to 9).

Note 2

yyyymmdd (year-month-day) and mmdd (month-day) contains the figures of date.

Note 3

This becomes "jobdbn" when a multi-subsystem environment exists.

The "n" indicates a subsystem number (1 to 9).

[UNIX version]

  |- stemDBn           (Note 1) (Database directory)
  | |- etc
  | | |- stemmanager.ini       <- Schedule environment settings file
  | | |_ schedule_hosts        <- Schedule server list file
  | |- stemmanager.db          <- Schedule status database
  | |- *.lst                   <- Carry-over status files
  | |- change_master.log       <- Operation change log file
  | |- project
  | | |- *.org             <- Project control statements (registered)
  | | |_ *.err             <- Project control statements (error information)
  | |- rcv
  | | |- *.log             <- Schedule application databases
  | | |- *.exc             <- Project control statements
  | | |- *.tar             <- .tar files for distribution
  | | |- *.lst             <- Distribution file lists
  | | |- *.dbz,*.grz       <- Schedule files
  | | |_ work
  | |    |- yyyymmdd.dat (Note 2)   <- Schedule submission list files
  | |    |_ yyyymmdd.loc (Note 2)   <- Carry-over monitoring files
  | |- snd                  <- Distribution-related information
  | |- log
  | | |_ *.log              <- Trace information
  | |- Start_Check.log      <- Carry-over log file
  | |_ move
  |    |_ *.dbz,*.grz,*.jsp,*.prm     <- Backup schedule files
  |- stem.ini                         <- Environment configuration definition file
  |_ log
     |_ *.log               <- Trace information

<Directory specific for each OS> (Note 3)
  |_ (JOBDBn)               (Note 4)
     |_ jobschbackup2        <- Operation change backup information

Note 1

"n" indicates a subsystem number (an integer of 0 to 9).

Note 2

yyyymmdd (year-month-day) and mmdd (month-day) contains the figures of date.

Note 3

With the UNIX version, "Directory specific for each OS" refers to the following directories.

Solaris version


HP-UX version


AIX version


Linux version


Note 4

This is stored under the "JOBDBn" when a multi-subsystem environment exists. The "n" in "JOBDBn" indicates a subsystem number (1 to 9). When a multi-subsystem environment does not exist, it is stored under a "Directory specific for each OS".

If the Schedule Server is used [UNIX version]

  |- stemDBn       (Note 1) (Database directory)
  | |- etc
  | | |_ stemmanager.ini            <- Schedule environment settings file
  | |- *.lst                        <- Carry-over status files
  | |- rcv
  | | |- *.log                      <- Schedule application databases
  | | |- *.exc                      <- Project control statements
  | | |- *.tar                      <-.tar files for distribution
  | | |- *.lst                      <- Distribution file lists
  | | |- *.dbz,*.grz                <- Schedule files
  | | |_ work
  | |    |- yyyymmdd.dat (Note 2)    <- Schedule submission list files
  | |    |_ yyyymmdd.loc (Note 2)    <- Carry-over monitoring files
  | |- log
  | | |_ *.log                       <- Trace information
  | |- Start_Check.log               <- Carry-over log file
  | |_ move
  |    |_ *.dbz,*.grz,*.jsp,*.prm    <- Backup schedule files
  |- stem.ini                         <- Environment configuration definition file
  |_ log
     |_ *.log                        <- Trace information

Note 1

"n" indicates a subsystem number (an integer of 0 to 9).

Note 2

yyyymmdd (year-month-day) and mmdd (month-day) contains the figures of date.