Systemwalker Operation Manager  Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.1 Outline of Operating Environment Definition

This section outlines the operating environment definition of Systemwalker Operation Manager.

System Definitions

Definitions about the system required to start using Systemwalker Operation Manager-

Security Definitions

These definitions are required to operate Systemwalker Operation Manager securely. The definition items are as follows:

Common definitions for all Systemwalker products

These definitions are common to all Systemwalker products.

Common Systemwalker Operation Manager Definitions

Before defining environments specific to the Systemwalker Operation Manager functions, you need to define the environments that are common to the Systemwalker Operation Manager functions. The following items are defined:

Enterprise EditionDefinition of Multi-Subsystem Operations

Systemwalker Operation Manager Enterprise Edition supports a single server to operate multi-subsystems (Jobscheduler functions and Job Execution Control functions). This definition is required if you operate multi-subsystems. The following lists the required definition items.

  • Creating a subsystem environment

  • Assigning subsystem port numbers

You can also define the multi-subsystem operating environment after you have completed the operating environment setup explained in this chapter.

Definition of Power Control

In order to enable the power to the server to be turned on in response to a user logging in to a client, register the command for the power control function as a startup program on the client.

Definition of Jobscheduler

You need to define the following environments for the Jobscheduler.

Definition of Job Execution Control

You need to define the following environments for the Job Execution Control functions.

Definition of Event Monitoring [Windows]

You need to define the following environments for Event Monitoring.

Definition of Task Link

You need to define the following operating environments for Task Link.

Definitions when linking with Systemwalker Centric Manager

When monitoring the Jobscheduler by using Systemwalker Centric Manager's system monitoring functions, you must install Systemwalker Operation Manager's client functions in Systemwalker Centric Manager. Then, you must define the event logs to be output by the Jobscheduler in Systemwalker Centric Manager.

Definitions when linking with ServerView Operations Manager to perform Single Sign-On

In order to link with ServerView Operations Manager to perform Single Sign-On, first build a Single Sign-On environment in ServerView Resource Orchestrator and then configure the settings in Systemwalker Operation Manager.

Definitions when constructing the existing environment on another server

After extracting the environment definition data and registration information from the currently operating server, you need to distribute them to another server.

Definition for maintenance

For maintenance of Systemwalker Operation Manager, you must complete the followings.