To uninstall, log in as a user with administrator privileges.
Take the notes below into account when performing uninstallation.
User resources
When you uninstall Systemwalker Operation Manager, all files including user resources are deleted. To keep those resources, you must back them up before starting uninstallation. For the backup procedure details, see "3.1 Backup".
Uninstalling Systemwalker products
If any Systemwalker products are uninstalled from a system where the following product is installed, some files will still remain on the system after the uninstallation. Do not delete these files because they are used by Systemwalker common functions.
Systemwalker Operation Manager V13.8.0 or later
Coexisting with Systemwalker Centric Manager
If you uninstall either of Systemwalker from the system where both Systemwalker Operation Manager and Systemwalker Centric Manager have been installed, part of Systemwalker files remains. Never delete those files as they are used by the remaining Systemwalker.
Uninstallation from cluster system
If you are operating Systemwalker Operation Manager in the cluster configuration, you must shut down the cluster service for which Systemwalker Operation Manager is registered before its uninstallation. For the uninstallation details, refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager Cluster Setup Guide.
Uninstalling the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable" package
The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable package will not be uninstalled automatically when Systemwalker Operation Manager is uninstalled. If required, perform the uninstallation manually.