Selecting job execution rights [Windows version]
Jobs submitted by Systemwalker Operation Manager are executed using the authority of the logon account that started the Job Execution Control service on the server. This execution right can be changed to the authority of the user ID that actually submitted the job if the following settings are performed.
Select "Execute jobs under the respective job owner's authority" in the Options sheet of the Define Operating Information window.
In the Define Job Owner's Information window, set the password for the user ID that will submit jobs.
Assign "logon as a batch job" authority to the user ID that will submit jobs.
For more information, refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager Installation Guide.
Submitting network jobs
Any server connected to the network can be requested to execute jobs. The execution results for these jobs can be checked from the server where they were submitted. It is also possible to specify retry processing for jobs submitted in this way, in order to prepare for situations where a problem occurs with the communication line during execution. If a network job is submitted while communications with the server that requested the job are not possible, error detection may be delayed as a result of retrying communication.
To prevent network jobs from being submitted to the local server from unintended servers, "trust host definitions" can be made. With these definitions, specify which servers the local server is allowed to accept network jobs from.
Executing distributed jobs
Jobs can be executed by distributing them to multiple specified servers (using the distributed execution function).
Jobs that are executed on multiple distributed servers using the distributed execution function are referred to as "distributed execution jobs." Distributed execution jobs are executed on the server with the lowest multiplicity level, which is calculated as the number of jobs currently executing divided by the execution multiplicity. The distributed job multiplicity can be changed and distributed execution destination hosts can be added or deleted during operations.
The distributed execution function is an extension of the "Load Balancer function" that was provided for Windows versions of Systemwalker Operation Manager V10.0L21 or earlier. To use the Load Balancer function in order to maintain compatibility with systems running V10.0L21 or earlier, select the Enable the Load Balancer function of the previous version option in the Backward compatibility sheet of the Define Operating Information window. For more information about how to use the Load Balancer function, refer to the manuals for the appropriate version (V10.0L21 or earlier).
Submitting and operating jobs from servers
Demand jobs can be submitted and operated using client windows, but the same kind of operations can also be performed using commands on servers. This makes it possible to submit and operate jobs from servers using batch files, shell scripts, applications, and so on.
Stopping queues in recovery mode
When a system is restarted after stopping due to a system failure or an interruption to the power supply (including interruptions during actual operations), the Job Execution Control service or daemon resumes operation with queues activated, in order to preserve any jobs that were executing before the stoppage (Recovery Mode).
However, it is sometimes desirable to take the necessary corrective actions before operations recommence, by checking the status of jobs and the servers where Systemwalker Operation Manger has been installed. In this case, select the Stop all queues when started in the recovery option in the Options sheet of the Define Operating Information window. Selecting this option changes the status of jobs to "waiting" (i.e., stops queues) even after the Job Execution Control service has restarted. Jobs will not be executed until the queues are started. After the necessary actions have been taken, recommence operations by restarting the queues.
Stopping all queues when the Job Execution Control service/daemon starts
During routine maintenance (such as system hardware maintenance), it may be desirable to prevent jobs from starting when the Job Execution Control service or daemon next starts, at least until the status of the system has been checked. To do this, select the Stop all queues when starting the service option in the Options sheet of the Define Operating Information window. Selecting this option changes the status of jobs to "waiting" (i.e., stops queues), stopping jobs from executing until the queue is restarted manually. After the necessary actions have been taken, recommence operations by restarting the queues.
Batch output of job results
Using JCL scripts, all job results can be grouped together as a single job and output as a batch. This prevents jobs output results from being mixed up with the output results for other jobs.
Specify batch output for job results using the "jobstart" control statement. Specifying this control statement makes it possible to perform the following processing on batch output jobs.
Saving the batch output job in case an output failure occurs or the results need to be output again
Placing the output of batch jobs on hold when job execution results need to be checked as soon as job execution completes
Batch output jobs that have been placed on hold can be operated on from the monitoring window (including allowing the job to output results, viewing results and deleting the job).
For more information about JCL control statements, refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide.
Outputting job report lists
Using JCL scripts, report lists about job processing can be output. Specify report list output using the "Joblst" operand of the "Jobstart" JCL control statement. The delimiter output for job steps can be defined by selecting the Output job step delimiters in the standard output file option in the Options sheet of the Define Operating Information window.
The following items are output.
Job start date and time
Job step start date and time
Job step end date and time, and completion code
Job end date and time, and completion code
Information relating to network jobs
Job step delimiters (step name and completion code)
For more information about outputting report lists and the "Jobstart" control statement, refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide.