Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.5.1 The Content Defined in Define Operating Information is not Reflected

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

In the Set Startup Mode of Job Execution Control dialog box that is displayed after the operating information definition is saved, was OK clicked after selecting Enable the saved operating information definitions from the next startup.


Even if the operating information definition was changed, if the Enable the saved operating information definitions from the next startup. is not selected in the dialog box that is displayed after the operating information definition is saved and the Job Execution Control service/daemon is restarted, that definition content is not reflected.

Action method

If the operating information definition was changed, take one of the following actions to reflect that definition content:

Save the operating information definition, select Enable the saved operating information definitions from the next startup., and then restart the Job Execution Control service/daemon.


Problems that occur when the information set in Operation information does not take effect are as follows:

  • Default Queue was changed, however the setting does not take effect.

  • The directory in which the job execution history information is saved, or the retention period, does not take effect.

  • Even though the settings have been configured so that the job is executed with job owner rights, the job is executed with Job Execution Control service startup account rights. [Windows versions]

  • Even though Disable simultaneous execution of jobs with an identical name has been disabled, jobs with the same name cannot be executed simultaneously.

Refer to description in the Online Help for information on the items that can be set in Operation information.

  • The Operating control tab of the Define Operating Information window

  • The Logging tab of the Define Operating Information window

  • The Options tab of the Define Operating Information window

  • The Print format tab of the Define Operating Information window