Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.4.2 The Job Does Not Operate Normally [UNIX versions]

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Has the command that requires tty been executed?


In UNIX versions of Systemwalker Operation Manager, the job operates as the daemon process extension. If a command that requires tty (ps, passwd, ttytype, stty, tset, tty, eucset, and so on.) is executed to operate a job in an environment from which tty has been separated out, the job may not operate normally.

Action method

Check if the command that requires tty is contained in the shell script that was started as a job. If this was started from Systemwalker Operation Manager, correct the script so that the relevant line is not executed in the script.

Action 2

Points to check

Has the environment variable required to execute the job been set in the startup file of the shell?


Job Execution Control starts the shell to interpret the shell script of the job. At this time, Job Execution Control loads the shell startup file, described below, as though the user logs in.

For example, if the login shell of the job submitter (*1) is a Bourne shell or a Korn shell, Job Execution Control loads /etc/profile and .profile of the job owner's home directory, and if the login shell of the job submitter is a C shell, Job Execution Control loads /etc/.login, .login of the job owner's home directory, and .cshrc of the same directory.

*1: The login shell of the job submitter can be checked from the password entry.

Action method

By executing the env command from the job, check the environment variable that can be referenced by the job, and if required, set this in the job, or configure the environment variable settings in the startup file.