Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.2.3 The Job Ends Abnormally with Code 1 [UNIX versions]

Error message

/var/opt/FJSVMJS/var/spool/mjes/mjespool/<queue name>/<job number>/<shell script name>: command not found
ksh: /var/opt/FJSVMJS/var/spool/mjes/mjespool/<queue name>/<job number>/<shell script name>: not found

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

When transferring the shell script developed on the Windows machine to the UNIX server using ftp, did you transfer it in "binary" mode?


If the shell script developed on the Windows machine was transferred to the UNIX server in "binary" mode using ftp, the line feed code in the file was not recognized by UNIX, and could not be executed normally as shell script, therefore the script ended abnormally.

Action method

When transferring the shell script developed on the Windows machine to the UNIX server using ftp, transfer the script in "ASCII" mode.


In version level 10.1 or earlier, for jobs executed using JCL, the completion code "1" is output even if the executable file specified in the job step does not exist.