Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.1.8 The Environment Variables are Insufficient, so the Job Does Not Operate Normally [Windows versions]

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Has the environment variable value been set for the system environment variable?


The only type of environment variables that can be referenced by applications started from Systemwalker Operation Manager is system environment variables. User environment variables, which are the user specific information, and environment variables set using autoexec.bat, cannot be referenced by applications started from Systemwalker Operation Manager.

Action method

If the application uses an environment variable registered as a user environment variable, one of the following actions is required:


In the Windows versions Systemwalker Operation Manager, the job operates as part (child process) of the "Systemwalker MpMjes" service.

The service can only reference system environment variables, therefore, even if the environment variable required to operate the application has been set as a user environment variable, the service cannot see it. As a result, unintended behavior may occur, for example the executable file is not found, or the environment variables required to execute the job are insufficient.