Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.16.17 It takes a while to display the Job History window

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Was a large value set for Log file size in the Define Jobscheduler Startup Parameters window of the Systemwalker Operation Manager environment settings?


The content of the log file is used to obtain the history information for the job. If the size of the log file is large, the log file processing time takes longer, and it takes a while to display the Job History window.

Action method

Estimate the log file size, and then set an appropriate value. As a guide, if the log file size of the estimated result exceeds 20 MB (*1), consider sufficiently the effect on the time taken to display the Job History window and on the response to other Operation Manager clients before setting it.

*1: The value that is appropriate for the log file size will vary depending on the machine performance or communication performance. Use this value only as a reference.

To estimate the log file size, consider the following:

<log size for one day>=<job net log size> x <number of job nets to be started>

<job net log size>=<job net start, termination log size> + <job log size> x <number of jobs>

<job net start, termination log size>=(<sum of server name, project name, job net name, and job net comment length + 50 bytes>) x 2 (for start and termination)

<job log size>=(<sum of server name, project name, job net name, job net comment, job name, and job comment length + 50 bytes>) x 2 (for start and termination)