Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.15.1 The Job Outputs a Code and Ends Abnormally. Alternatively, the Job Outputs a Message and Ends Abnormally

Applicable versions and levels



The job may end abnormally with the code described in "Job Completion Codes" of the Reference Guide.

Additionally, the job may output one of the messages described in the Message Guide (V11.0L10/11.0 or later) or "Messages list" in the Online Help, and then end abnormally.

If the job has ended abnormally, it may be possible to determine the cause of the error and the action required by investigating the code or the output message.

Action method

Refer to the following documents:

The job completion codes are also described in "Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Job Execution Control" - "5.1 The Job Execution Result is Abnormal".