Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.27 The Message "MpJobsch: ERROR: 0412: bind() Address already in use" is Output to SYSLOG [UNIX Versions]

Error message

MpJobsch: ERROR: 0412: bind() Address already in use

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Was the port number used by Jobscheduler being used by another application?


This message is output if another application is using the port number used by Jobscheduler.

Action method

Ensure that the port used by Jobscheduler is not used by another application during Jobscheduler operations. Refer to the following manual for information on how to check and change port numbers.


If the service name "jobsch_win" does not exist in the services file, the default port number will be used.

Action 2

Points to check

Was the Jobscheduler daemon process "tskmnsrv" ended using the kill command?


Even if the process "tskmnsrv" was ended using the kill command, the Jobscheduler daemon will not end normally. For this reason, the above message will be output to the syslog and end when the Jobscheduler daemon is restarted.

Action method

Restart the system.