Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.13.6 A Failover Occurs while the Cluster System is Running, and the Message "Specified host not found." is Displayed

Error message

Specified host not found.

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Is there a monitored host definition on the standby node?


There may not be a monitored host definition on the standby node, or it may be invalid.

Action method

Correct the monitored host definition on the standby node to match the active node settings.

[Windows versions]

The extract/distribute policy functions are used to reflect the defined monitored host definition on the other node.

[UNIX versions]

Use a command such as rcp to copy the following file to the other node:

Solaris versions and Linux versions:


HP-UX versions:


AIX versions:


Refer to the following manuals for details: