Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.10.3 The Error Message "RegisterEventSource() 1722:RPC server is not available" is Output [Windows Versions]

Error message

MpJobsch:ERROR :7300:func=jobschmsgevent - main:RegisterEventSource() 1722:RPC server is not available

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Does the other host that was specified exist? Additionally, is the operating system of the other host Windows?


When a host name is specified using the jobschmsgevent command in Windows versions, the mechanism provided by the Windows operating system writes events directly to the event log on the other host.

If the other host that was specified does not actually exist, or is not running, or the operating system of the other host is not Windows (it is a UNIX server), it will not be possible to communicate with the other host without the Windows operating system mechanism, therefore a message indicating an execution error of the API used in the jobschmsgevent command internally will be output, and the execution of the jobschmsgevent command will fail.

Action method

If this error is output, review the host name (Windows computer name) that was specified in the jobschmsgevent command, and correct it if it is invalid. If the other host is a UNIX server, the host name cannot be specified in the jobschmsgevent command, therefore change the settings so that the job is executed as a network job.