Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.2.16 If a Failover has occurred on a Cluster Operation Server, an Unintended Job Net is Started

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

V11.0L10/11.0 or later

Were settings configured to reflect the calendar information automatically?

V10.0L21/10.1 or earlier

Are the following points different on the active and standby nodes?


If the calendar information (day change time, SYSTEM_CALENDAR schedule information, holiday information except for SYSTEM_CALENDAR) on the active and standby nodes is different, the start schedule for the job net will also be different, so the job net may start on an unintended date/time.

Action method

V11.0L10/11.0 or later

Configure settings to reflect the calendar information automatically.

Refer to the following manual for information on the automatic reflection settings.

V10.0L21/10.1 or earlier

Unify the day change time, SYSTEM_CALENDAR schedule information, and holiday information except for SYSTEM_CALENDAR, on the active and standby nodes.

The day change time, SYSTEM_CALENDAR schedule information, and holiday information (except for SYSTEM_CALENDAR) on both nodes can be unified by making the same change on the other node as well.

Additionally, the day change time, SYSTEM_CALENDAR schedule information, and holiday information except for SYSTEM_CALENDAR on each node can also be unified using the method below.

[Windows versions]

Extract/distribute the policy information. The procedure for extracting the policy information on the active node and distributing it to the standby node is shown below.

  1. Connect to the node that is running

    In the Start menu, select Systemwalker Operation Manager from All Programs, and then click Environment Setup from the submenu that is displayed. The Host connection specification window will be displayed, so specify the node (active) from which the policy is to be extracted, and then click OK.

  2. Extract the policy

    In the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window that is displayed, click Extract policy. The Extract Policy window will be displayed, so select the Registration information tab, and then select Calendar.

  3. Specify the distribution destination

    In the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window, click Distribute policy. The Distribution specification window will be displayed, so specify the distribution destination node (standby) as the distribution destination, and then click OK.

  4. Select the timing for applying the policy

    The Apply Policy window will be displayed, so select the timing for applying the policy. In cluster operations (in which the "Operation Manager" service is running), select Apply at the next service startup.
    Note that, in cluster operations, Apply at &once. (Restart the service.) cannot be specified. If this is specified, an error message will be output. For this reason, to distribute the policy immediately, restart the service manually.

[UNIX versions]

Perform the following procedure:

  1. Execute the rcp command to copy the following file to the other node:

  2. After unifying the calendar information, restart Systemwalker Operation Manager.

Note that, when the above policy extraction/distribution and file copy using the rcp command have been performed, the following information will also be unified on both nodes:

Also refer to the following manual: