Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.2.2 When Trying to Restart Multiple Servers using Batch Power Control, One or More Servers do Not Restart

Error message

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Refer to the following manual for information on how to check if the power control device supports Systemwalker Operation Manager:


A power control device (hardware) is required for all servers targeted for power control in order to use the batch power control function. Servers not equipped with a power control device cannot be automatically powered on/off or restarted.

Action method

If performing batch power control, use a power control device (hardware) on all target servers.

Refer to the following manual.




If using batch power control, a power control device is required by the restart processing, because it performs a power on after the power off.

Single server power control

  1. Restart the server that performs power control.

    Note: A power control device is not required for performing a restart.

Batch power control

  1. Power off the target servers.

  2. Restart the server that performs power control.

  3. Power on the target servers.

    Note: A power control device is required for performing a restart.