Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.5.8 "Could not get domain name list.(0:0) (For Window) "

Error message

Could not get domain name list.(0:0)

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Does the Systemwalker Operation Manager server specified for the connection destination host name stop during login?

Action method

Execute the mppviewo.exe command to display the running status of Systemwalker Operation Manager server processes, and check if Systemwalker Operation Manager server has started or stopped.

If Systemwalker Operation Manager server has stopped, execute the soperationmgr command to start it, and then connect the client again.

Refer to the Reference Guide for information on mppviewo.exe and the soperationmgr command.

Action 2

Points to check

Has the domain controller stopped?

Action method

If the domain controller has stopped, start it, and then connect the client again.

Action 3

Points to check

Does the Systemwalker ACL Manager service start normally on the Systemwalker Operation Manager server of the connection destination?

Action method

Execute the mppviewo.exe command to display the running status of Systemwalker ACL Manager service processes, and check if Systemwalker ACL Manager services have started or stopped.

If a Systemwalker ACL Manager service has stopped, execute the soperationmgr command to start Systemwalker Operation Manager server, and then connect the client again.

Refer to the Reference Guide for information on mppviewo.exe and the soperationmgr command.

Action 4

Points to check

Have you set the port number used by ACL Manager in the services file (service mpaclmgr) ? Moreover, are the port definitions correct?

The services file directory is as follows:

  <system root>\system32\drivers\etc\services

Action method

Define the following in the services file of the server and client.

mpaclmgr 4013/tcp

Action 5

Points to check

Are the following users specified for the startup account of the Systemwalker ACL Manager service?

Note that if Systemwalker Centric Manager version is newer than that of Systemwalker Operation Manager on the same server, the check must be based on the version of Systemwalker Centric Manager. The action method is the same for both.

Perform the following procedure to check if administrator users on the domain are specified for the startup account of the Systemwalker ACL Manager service:

  1. Select Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services (if using Windows Server 2008, select Control Panel >> Programs >> Programs and Features >> Turn Windows features on or off >> composition >> Services) to display the Systemwalker ACL Manager properties, and check the account name in the Logon tab.

  2. On the domain controller, select Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Active Directory users and computers, and check if the account listed in step 1 satisfies the following conditions:

    • Is registered under the "Users" object.

    • Is a member of Administrators and DomainAdmins.

  3. On the domain controller, select Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Domain Controller Security Policy, and check if the following privileges have been set for the account listed in step 1:

    • Act as part of the operating system

    • Log on as a service

    • Adjust memory quotas for a process

    • Replace a process level token

If unable to perform a check at either of steps 2 and 3 above, take action in accordance with the method below.

Action method

Perform the following procedure to change the startup account:

Refer to the Reference Guide for information on the poperationmgr and soperationmgr commands.