Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.2.10 Message " AP:F3CVSERV:Warning:3001:The time-out interval elapsed.(detail) " Is Displayed

Error message

AP:F3CVSERV:Warning:3001:The time-out interval elapsed.(detail)

The following are examples of the content that might displayed in the detail (<row number> is a numerical value (undefined) and the <trace id> is a string (undefined)):
  Example 1: Open line=<row number>, TraceID=<trace id>
  Example 2: Close line=<row number>, TraceID=<trace id>

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Is the above error message output continuously over a long period of time?


The above error message is output if attempting to open the same common trace file simultaneously from multiple processes or threads.

Action method