Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.2.8 Standard Output or Standard Error Cannot be Used Inside the Shell ( of the User Customization of Process Monitoring Function [UNIX Versions]

Applicable versions and levels



The process monitoring function operates as a daemon, and therefore with standard output and standard error closed. The user customization shell ( that operates as an extension of process monitoring also operates with standard output and standard error closed, therefore, standard output and standard error cannot be used by commands in the shell.

Action method

Redirect the output of commands in the user customization shell , and explicitly specify standard output and standard errors.


An error may occur if attempting to execute the maintenance information collection command (swcolinf) from the shell of the user customization function, due to being unable to use standard output inside the user customization function. In this case, specify the standard output destination for the maintenance information collection command.


/opt/FJSVftlo/swcolinf/swcolinf -o /work > /dev/null