Symfoware Server V12.1.0 Application Development Guide
FUJITSU Software

B.3.3 Concatenating a String Value with a NULL value

Oracle database

SELECT SUBSTR( col1 || col2,
  FROM t1;

* col1 and col2 are assumed to be character string type, and col2 may contain NULL

Symfoware Server

SELECT SUBSTR( col1 || NVL(col2, '')
  FROM t1;

* col1 and col2 are assumed to be character string type, and col2 may contain NULL

Feature differences
Oracle database

NULL is handled as an empty string, and strings are joined.

Symfoware Server

NULL is not handled as an empty string, and the result of joining the strings becomes NULL.

Conversion procedure

Convert using the following procedure:

  1. Locate the places where the keyword "||" is used.

  2. Check if any of the value expressions can contain NULL - if they can, then execute step 3.

  3. Modify to NVL(valExpr,'').