Symfoware Server V12.1.0 Application Development Guide
FUJITSU Software

9.2.1 Notes on SUBSTR

SUBSTR is implemented on Symfoware Server and Oracle databases using different external specifications.

For this reason, when using SUBSTR, define which specification is to be prioritized. The default setting executes with the Symfoware Server specifications prioritized.

When using the SUBSTR function compatible with Oracle databases, set "oracle" and "pg_catalog" in the "search_path" parameter of postgresql.conf. You must specify "oracle" in front of "pg_catalog" when doing this.

search_path = '"$user", public, oracle, pg_catalog'


  • The search_path feature specifies the priority of the schema search path. The SUBSTR function in Oracle database is defined in the oracle schema.

  • Refer to "Statement Behavior" in "Server Administration" in the PostgreSQL Documentation for information on search_path.