A variety of data types can be used with Symfoware Server.
Data types belonging to base data types are supported whether you automatically generate applications using tools in Visual Studio (Query Builder in TableAdapter and Server Explorer), or create applications yourself (with DataProvider).
Data Types | Supported | |
Operation in the Visual Studio integration window | Fujitsu Npgsql .NET Data Provider | |
character | Y | Y |
character varying | Y | Y |
national character | Y | Y |
national character varying | Y | Y |
text | Y | Y |
bytea | N | Y |
smallint | Y | Y |
integer | Y | Y |
bigint | Conditional (*1) | Y |
smallserial | Y | Y |
serial | Y | Y |
bigserial | Conditional (*1) | Y |
real | Y | Y |
double precision | Y | Y |
numeric | Y | Y |
decimal | Y | Y |
money | N | N |
date | Y | Y |
time with time zone | Conditional (*2) | Conditional (*2,*3) |
time without time zone | Conditional (*2) | Conditional (*2) |
timestamp without time zone | Y | Y |
timestamp with time zone | Y | Y |
interval | Conditional (*4) | Y |
boolean | Y | Y |
bit | Conditional (*5) | Conditional (*5) |
bit varying | N | N |
uuid | Conditional (*4) | Y |
inet | Conditional (*4, *6) | Conditional (*6) |
macaddr | N | Y |
cidr | N | N |
Geometric data type (point,lseg,box,path,polygon,circle) | N | Y |
array | N | Y |
oid | N | N |
xml | Y | Y |
json | N | N |
Types related to text searches(tsvector,tsquery) | N | N |
Enumerated type | N | N |
Composite type | N | N |
Range type | N | N |
Y: Supported
N: Not supported
*1: When used as a dynamic parameter, only data values in the int32 range can be substituted.
*2: As shown below, "time with time zone" and "time without time zone" values display the date portion as additional information. However, the actual data comprises the time data only, so with the exception of this displayed format, there are no other resulting issues.
Composition of table (t1)
col1 (time with time zone) | col2 (time without time zone) |
10:21:30 +08:00 | 10:21:30 |
23:34:03 +08:00 | 23:34:03 |
17:23:54 +08:00 | 17:23:54 |
"time with time zone" values display the execution date in the date portion, while "time without time zone" values display "0001/01/01" in the date portion.
SELECT * FROM t1; col1 | col2 ----------------------------+--------------------- 2014/09/03 10:21:30 +08:00 | 0001/01/01 10:21:30 2014/09/03 23:34:03 +08:00 | 0001/01/01 23:34:03 2014/09/03 17:23:54 +08:00 | 0001/01/01 17:23:54
*3: When used as a dynamic parameter, it is not possible to substitute parameter values in DataGridView automatically generated by DDEX.
The example here shows c3 being made the "time with time zone" data type.
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1]; dr["c3"] = new DateTimeOffset(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0));
*4: Only lengths of 2 or longer are supported.
*5: Only single hosts are supported.
*6: When updating this data type, set the values as shown below: