Symfoware Server V12.1.0 Application Development Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.2.4 Message Language and Encoding System Used by Applications Settings

This section explains the language settings for the application runtime environment and the encoding settings for the application.

Language settings

You must match the language settings for the application runtime environment with the message locale settings of the database server.

Encoding System Settings

Ensure that the encoding system that is embedded in the application and passed to the database, and the encoding system setting of the runtime environment, are the same. The encoding system cannot be converted correctly on the database server.

Use one of the following methods to set the encoding system for the application:


Refer to "Supported Character Sets" in "Server Administration" in the PostgreSQL Documentation for information on the strings that represent the encoding system that can be set.

For example, when using "Unicode" and "8 bit", set the string "UTF8".


Setting the "PGCLIENTENCODING" environment variable

LinuxAn example of setting when the encoding of the client is "UTF8" (Bash)


WindowsAn example of setting when the encoding of the client is "UTF8"



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