Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Operation Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.5 Checking the Execution of Configuration Baseline Creation

Use the following method to check if configuration baselines are being created correctly.

Configuration baselines are created according to the schedule that is registered using the procedure in "Registering a Configuration Baseline Creation Schedule" in the Installation Guide.

Check the "creation dates" for configuration baselines.

  1. Execute the following command to display information about the configuration baselines that have been created:


    %SWCMDB_INSTALL_PATH%\FJSVcmdbm\bin\snapview.exe -q num=all


    /opt/FJSVcmdbm/bin/ -q num=all

    [Execution example]


    %SWCMDB_INSTALL_PATH%\FJSVcmdbm\bin\snapview.exe -q num=all
    Do you want to display the next? [y, n, all]
    Snapshot Name             Create Date
    snap20120103020000        2012/01/03 02:00:00
    snap20111227020000        2011/12/27 02:00:00
    snap20111220020000        2011/12/20 02:00:00
    snap20111213020000        2011/12/13 02:00:00
    snap20111206020000        2011/12/06 02:00:00


    [root@ct04-m ~]# /opt/FJSVcmdbm/bin/ -q num=all
    Do you want to display the next? [y, n, all]
    Snapshot Name             Create Date
    snap20120705000001        2012/07/05 00:00:02
    snap20120704100001        2012/07/04 10:00:01
    snap20120704010002        2012/07/04 01:00:02
    snap20120703010002        2012/07/03 01:00:02
  2. Ensure that the configuration baselines have been created exactly in accordance with the registered schedule.

    Check if the "creation dates" for the configuration baselines obtained in Step 1 indicate that the configuration baselines have been created in accordance with the schedule registered using the procedure in "Registering a Configuration Baseline Creation Schedule" in the Installation Guide. If configuration baselines have been created as scheduled, the cause of the problem may either of the following.

    • ServerView Resource Orchestrator is linked, but its service is not running.

    • The Task Scheduler or cron are not running.

    • Ensure that the ServerView Resource Orchestrator service is running when the tool is linked.

    • Review the schedule registration.