Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Operation Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.1.4 Audit Logs for Job Management

The history of operations performed by a user is output to an audit log. This includes when one of the following operations is performed using a wizard on the management console or using a command, when an action is executed from the Job Management window, or using the job information management command.

Audit logs

Log name



Number of generations


Outputs audit logs for patch distribution, patch application, parameter settings, and script execution.

10 MB

10 generations

Output destination

The output destination for logs is shown below.


Output folder


<Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\logs

Same as the log name.


Output folder



Same as the log name.

Output format

The output format is shown below. It is possible to change the output destination for audit logs, the file size, and the number of generations held.

Output format

<Operation date/time>,<User ID>,<Tenant name>,<Operation type>,<Parameters>,<Operation result>



Operation date/time

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss (local time)

User ID

The user ID of the user that executed the operation

Note: When the operation is performed using the command, "#COMMAND" is output.

Tenant name

The tenant name of the user that executed the operation

Note: For operations performed by infrastructure administrators, "admin" is output. It is not output when the operation is performed using the command.

Operation type

A string indicating the content of the operation


The parameters specified by the request

Operation result

"SUCCESS" if the operation was successful and "FAILURE" if the operation failed

Operation type

Operation type




Requests patch distribution from the Patch Application wizard or using the patch application command

jobid="<job ID>"&jobname="<job name>"


Requests patch application from the Patch Application wizard or using the patch application command

jobid="<job ID>"&jobname="<job name>"


Requests parameter settings from the Parameter Settings wizard or from the parameter settings command

jobid="<job ID>"&jobname="<job name>"


Request script execution from the Script Execution wizard or using the script execution command

jobid="<job ID>"&jobname="<job name>"


After requesting patch distribution, execute an action from the Job Management window or using the job information management command

jobid="<job ID>"&jobname="<job name>"&processname="<process name>"&processorder="<process order>"&processtype="<process type>"&action="<action>"


After requesting patch distribution, execute an action from the Job Management window or using the job information management command

jobid="<job ID>"&jobname="<job name>"&processname="<process name>"&processorder="<process order>"&processtype="<process type>"&action="<action>"


After requesting parameter settings, execute an action from the Job Management window or using the job information management command

jobid="<job ID>"&jobname="<job name>"&processname="<process name>"&processorder="<process order>"&processtype="<process type>"&action="<action>"


After requesting script execution, execute an action from the Job Management window or using the job information management command

jobid="<job ID>"&jobname="<job name>"&processname="<process name>"&processorder="<process order>"&processtype="<process type>"&action="<action>"