Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Operation Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.1 Starting Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager

This section explains how to start Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager.

  1. Ensure that ServerView Resource Orchestrator is running if you want to use it to manage servers deployed by the tool.

    Refer to the ServerView Resource Orchestrator manuals for more information.

  2. Start Systemwalker Runbook Automation (which is included in Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager).
    Note that this step is not necessary if integrating with ServerView Resource Orchestrator, as Systemwalker Runbook Automation will be launched automatically when ServerView Resource Orchestrator is started.


    Select Run as administrator to execute the command:

    %SWRBA_HOME%\bin\swrba_start (*1)

    *1: %SWRBA_HOME% contains the Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation directory.


    Execute the command as a superuser:


  3. If Systemwalker Runbook Automation starts successfully, a startup completion message will be output.

    Startup processing for Systemwalker Runbook Automation will start.
    The database for process management has started.
    The server function has started.
    The console function has started.
    The CMDB Manager has started.
    The schedule function has started.
    The startup processing for Systemwalker Runbook Automation has completed normally.
  4. Execute the following command on the admin server:


    Select Run as administrator to execute the command:

    <Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin\swcfmg_start


    Execute the command as a superuser:


  5. If Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager starts successfully, the following message will be output:

    Startup processing for Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager will start.
    The startup processing for Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager has completed normally.


Refer to the Reference Guide for information on this command.


As the Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager agent installed on the business server or the linkage server is automatically started, startup and stop operations are not provided.

When it is necessary to stop or start the Systemwalker Software Configuration Manage agent installed on the business server or the linkage server for some reason, perform the following operation:

Starting Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager


Start the "Systemwalker File Transfer Library Control" service.

Start the "Systemwalker File Transfer Library Control(SWCFMG)" service.


Execute the following command:

service FJSVlnkbs start

service FJSVlnkcf start


Execute the following command:

/etc/init.d/FJSVlnkcf start