Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Operation Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.8.1 Creating a Fujitsu Middleware Patch Application Script

When distributing Fujitsu middleware patches, after execution register the scripts to apply the patches. This section explains the method to describe the scripts.

Fujitsu middleware patch distribution destination

The distribution destination of Fujitsu middleware patches is configured in the script environment variable, "DISTRIBUTE_PATCH_PATH". Describe the patch application process using this environment variable.

Example of creating a script to apply Fujitsu middleware patches

Execute the UpdateAdvisor (middleware) command to apply Fujitsu middleware patches. An example of creating a script to apply Fujitsu middleware patches is shown below.

Execute the UpdateAdvisor (middleware) command to apply Fujitsu middleware patches. It is recommended to delete the distribution destination directory after patch application.

An example of creating a script to apply Fujitsu middleware patches and delete the distribution destination directory after patch application is shown below.

All patches distributed to directories included in the path specified in the "DISTRIBUTE_PATCH_PATH" environment variable will be applied.



"C:\Program Files (x86)\Fujitsu\UpdateAdvisor\UpdateAdvisorMW\uam" add -s -d %DISTRIBUTE_PATCH_PATH%



/opt/FJSVfupde/bin/uam add -s -d $DISTRIBUTE_PATCH_PATH


A sample script for applying Fujitsu middleware patches is stored in the directory below.

Extract this script and revise if necessary before using.

Note that the admin server stores scripts for both Windows and Linux, while the business server stores only the scripts that match the operating system.

Storage location
  • Admin server





  • Business server





File name
  • Windows: win_mw_patch.bat

  • Linux:

Notes on creating a Fujitsu middleware patch application script

Notes on creating a Fujitsu middleware patch application script are shown below (for general notes on scripts, refer to "Notes on creating scripts"):