Systemwalker Runbook Automation Operation Guide

4.2.1 Registering from Studio

The procedure for registering an Automated Operation Process from Systemwalker Runbook Automation Studio is shown below.

Management Server Administrator privileges are required in order to execute this operation.

If an Application project is upload to Management Server, following a procedure as below.

  1. Right-clicking project name in the Navigator view.

    Select Uploading Application from pop-up menu.

    The Uploading Application dialog box will be displayed. If Server Connection is not specified, an error message will be displayed in the dialog box

  2. If specify the project for uploading, following a procedure as below.

    1. Select a project from Application drop-down list.

      Default application is the name of project selected in the Navigator view.

    2. Using check box, the components to be uploaded are selected or not. you can upload all projects or a component as a single project. For this, click symbol "+" before project name, and deploy project folder. Selecting project component prevents to upload same projects. It is not necessary to deploy file for other purposes. Also, It is possible to select or deselect all component with using Select All or Deselect All button. All projects components are selected as a default.

  3. Select Management Server.

    If select server, select it from drop-down list or refer to usable server connection.

    Select a Management Server from the Server Connection drop-down list. The server that was selected last will be displayed here automatically. If you have not selected a server before, the list will be empty. In this case, or if you want to select a different Management Server, follow the procedure shown below.

    1. Click the Browse connect button in the Uploading Application dialog box.

    The Select Server Connect dialog box will be displayed.

    1. Select the server connection information for the Management Server you want to connect and click the OK button.

    2. If you add new server connection information, select New button. for the Management Server you want to connect and click the OK button. The Set Server Connect dialog box will be displayed.

    3. In the Select Server Connect dialog, Input required data in displayed Server Connect dialog.

    The following example shows to specify Management Server of Systemwalker Runbook Automation. The Uploading Application dialog will be displayed as below.

  4. Click Next button in the Uploading Application dialog.

    You can select to update an existing Automated Operation Process in server, or create an existing Automated Operation Process.

    • If you upload the project to other existing Automated Operation Process group in server, check on Update the existing process group on ... .


      Process Definition:

      • If there is a process definition that has the same name on th server, the process definition will be uploaded as a new version.

      • No process definition on the server will be deleted by this operation.

      Other resources:

      • The resources other than process definition will be deleted, then replaced by the selected resources.

    • If you upload new project to server, check on Create new process group on ... .

    • If a new project name is same with other server name, message will be displayed to check whether you want to update it.

  5. Click Finish button, and then upload new project.