The settings items that are required to execute Perl scripts using Systemwalker Runbook Automation are defined in the component execution setup file. This file must be edited in order to execute operation components that have been created using Perl.
The default values have been set for each item in this file. Use these default value formats as a reference when you edit the file. It is also recommended that you take a backup of the original file when you edit the file.
Storage Location of the Component Execution Setup File
File name: pl.xml
[Systemwalker Runbook Automation Management Server installation directory]\etc\rbaope\opeparts\engine |
By default, [Systemwalker Runbook Automation Management Server installation directory] is "C: \Fujitsu\Systemwalker\SWRBAM".
/opt/FJSVswrbam/etc/rbaope/opeparts/engine |
The setup file is stored in the above directory at the time of the Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation.
Do not change the file name.
Synopsis of the component execution setup file
XML code | Edit requirement | Number | Meaning and input value |
<?xmlversion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | Not required | 1 | XML declaration |
<opeparts> | Not required | 1 | XML element name |
<command>component start command</command> | Tag content can be any value | 1 | Specify the command that starts the operation component (Perl script). Specify the full path to the directory. Environment variables can be specified. |
<workingdirectory>working directory</workingdirectory> | Tag content can be any value | 0-1 | Specify the working directory. Specify the absolute path of a directory that already exists. If this is not specified, the default value will be used. (WUibpmsv current directory) |
<parameters> | Not required | 1 | XML element name |
<parameter>start command parameter</parameter> | Tag content can be any value | 3- 64 | Set the component start command parameters one at a time. Environment variables can be specified. The string total must not exceed 2,047 bytes. Note that the following are reserved words and required parameters. Do not delete name duplication usages or parameters. @{SWRBA_SYS_PARTSPATH}: Component name (including the extension) @{SWRBA_SYS_INPUTDEF}: Input information file |
<environments> | Not required | 1 | XML element name |
<environment name="environment variable name" type="default"> | Tag content can be any value | 1- 128 | Environment variable that is set when the operation component starts. name: Environment variable name type: Environment variable type default Normal value (default) Characters that can be used in environment variable names are alphanumerics, underscores ("_"), and at symbols ("@"). Note that numbers cannot be used as the first character. Specify a maximum of 64 bytes. Enter default or path as the environment variable type. |
Environment variable value | Tag content can be any value | Value for the environment variable that is set when the operation component starts. | |
<environment name="environment variable name" type="path" mode="mode"> | Tag content can be any value | 1- 128 | Environment variable name (when path has been specified for the environment variable value). Characters that can be used in environment variable names are alphanumerics, underscores ("_"), and at symbols ("@"). Note that numbers cannot be used as the first character. Specify a maximum of 64 bytes. Enter default or path as the environment variable type. When the environment variable type is path, the following values are effective: mode: Settings type overwrite Overwrite |
<pathelement> | Tag content can be any value | 1- 30 | Path element. This is only effective when type="path". |
Path element | Tag content can be any value | Specify the path that is assigned to the environment variable. Specify a maximum of 255 bytes. |
Example of how to define the component execution setup file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <opeparts> <command>C:\Perl\bin\perl</command> <parameters> <parameter>@{SWRBA_SYS_PARTSPATH}</parameter> <parameter>-input</parameter> <parameter>@{SWRBA_SYS_INPUTDEF}</parameter> </parameters> <environments> <environment name="PERLLIB" type="path" mode="overwrite"> <pathelement>%SWRBA_HOME%\rbaope\bin\parts\lib\standard</pathelement> <pathelement>%SWRBA_HOME%\rbaope\bin\parts\guest\E0\lib</pathelement> </environment> </environments> </opeparts>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <opeparts> <command>/usr/bin/perl</command> <parameters> <parameter>@{SWRBA_SYS_PARTSPATH}</parameter> <parameter>-input</parameter> <parameter>@{SWRBA_SYS_INPUTDEF}</parameter> </parameters> <environments> <environment name="PERLLIB" type="path" mode="overwrite"> <pathelement>/opt/FJSVswrbam/rbaope/bin/parts/lib/standard</pathelement> <pathelement>/opt/FJSVswrbam/etc/share/rbaope/bin/parts/guest/E0/lib</pathelement> </environment> </environments> </opeparts>
In the following cases, an error will occur when the Automated Operation Process is executed, and the Automated Operation Process status will change to Aborted.
There is no file
The component execution setup file is invalid
The XML syntax is invalid
The defined value is invalid (for example, non-existent path, limit exceeded, limit for number of appearances exceeded)
The same value (for example, an environment variable) is different to the multiple defined values