Local Group is used to determinate person in charge for each task when running automated operation process.
Create role and authority based on user's responsibility. Local groups are valid only for this product. Created local group and user affiliation are not reflected on directory service.
Local group management can be performed from the Systemwalker Runbook Automation Console.
The group information is displayed in the detail panel when the Groups submenu in the system Administration tab is selected. When a group is selected from the list panel, detailed information about the selected group will be displayed.
When the new button is clicked, the New Group dialog box that is used to create the local group will be displayed.
The following are displayed in the Local Group Details panel and New Group dialog box:
Local Group Details panel: For existing groups, the group name will be displayed and cannot be changed.
New Group: In case of creating a new group, enter a name for the group in this field.
Local Group Details panel: For existing groups, the group description will be displayed and can be changed.
New Group: In case of creating a new group, enter a description for the group in this field.
Available Users: In this section, a list of the users that can be used is displayed.
Assigned Users: In this section, a list of the users in the selected group is displayed.
Available Users: In this section, a list of the groups that can be used is displayed.
Assigned Groups: In this section, a list of the groups that belong to the selected group is displayed. Using this, group nesting is possible. The administrator can nest groups, and as a result a nested group can become a member of a supergroup.