Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.5.1 Cannot Update Properly to the Latest Configuration Information even by Implementing Discovery

Applicable version and level

Configuration information discovered using swcfmg_patch_updateinfo (Patch Information Update command) or swcfmg_param_updateinfo (Parameter Information Update command) is stored in the CMDB. If configuration information already registered in the CMDB is incorrect, it may not be possible to update properly to the latest configuration information even if discovery is implemented. Events Generated when Configuration Information is Incorrect

If operation proceeds with incorrect configuration information stored in the CMDB, the following types of events will be generated:

The above events may be generated in the following situations:


CMDB data is updated when the following operations are performed:

  • A server is deployed or undeployed using ServerView Resource Orchestrator

  • Patch information is registered, updated, or deleted using swcfmg_patch_updateinfo (Patch Information Update command)

  • Parameter information is registered, updated, or deleted using swcfmg_param_updateinfo (Parameter Information Update command) Action

Action method

If the configuration information data stored in the CMDB is incorrect, perform the following operations to update to the latest information:


  1. Execute cmdbrefresh to update the CMDB information:


    %SWCMDB_INSTALL_PATH%\FJSVcmdbm\bin\cmdbrefresh.exe -a -q


    /opt/FJSVcmdbm/bin/cmdbrefresh -a -q

  2. Implement discovery to update to the latest patch information and Fujitsu middleware product information:


    <Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin\swcfmg_patch_updateinfo.exe -repository


    /opt/FJSVcfmgm/bin/swcfmg_patch_updateinfo -repository

    To discover only particular information:

    • Windows patch information


      <Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin\swcfmg_patch_updateinfo.exe -t windows -repository


      /opt/FJSVcfmgm/bin/swcfmg_patch_updateinfo -t windows -repository

    • Linux patch information


      <Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin\swcfmg_patch_updateinfo.exe -t linux


      /opt/FJSVcfmgm/bin/swcfmg_patch_updateinfo -t linux

    • Fujitsu middleware patch information and Fujitsu middleware product information


      <Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin\swcfmg_patch_updateinfo.exe -t middleware


      /opt/FJSVcfmgm/bin/swcfmg_patch_updateinfo -t middleware

  3. Implement discovery for parameter information:


    <Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin\swcfmg_param_updateinfo.exe

