Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.3.1 Processes Executed from the Management Console Wizard not Running

Applicable version and level Action

Action method

If an error, such as system failure, occurs on the admin server while the patch distribution/application process, parameter setting process, or script execution process is running, the process is stopped. In such cases, after recovering from the abnormal state, use the swrba_recoverprocess command (process recovery command) to perform process recovery.


  1. After recovering from the abnormal state, log in to the admin server.

  2. Execute the following command to check whether Systemwalker Runbook Automation is operating normally.





  3. Execute the swrba_recoverprocess command to recover processes that failed.





    Refer to the Reference Guide for information on the swrba_recoverprocess command (process recovery command).

    The process instance IDs of the recovered processes will be output when the command is executed.

    • If process recovery is successful as a result of executing the swrba_recoverprocess command:


      PROCESSID:1599523(ACTIVITYID:1599525) is recovered
      PROCESSID:1600057(ACTIVITYID:1600059) is recovered
      PROCESSID:1600595(ACTIVITYID:1600600) is recovered
      PROCESSID:1600595(ACTIVITYID:1600601) is recovered
      PROCESSID:1600595(ACTIVITYID:1600602) is recovered
    • If process recovery is unsuccessful as a result of executing the swrba_recoverprocess command:


      PROCESSID:1600071(ACTIVITYID:1600073) recovery failed
      FSP_SW/RB-A_BASE: ERROR: 03013: I/O error. : PROCESSID='1600071' ACTIVITYID='160
      0073' PATH='C:\Fujitsu\Systemwalker\SWRBAM\etc\share\rbaope\opeparts\output\1600
      071_1600073\status.dat' DETAIL='invalid stream header' Action if a Recovery Error Occurs

If the process could not be recovered after executing the swrba_recoverprocess command (process recovery command), perform patch distribution/application, parameter setting, or script execution again.

  1. Refer to the PROCESSID information if the process could not be recovered.

  2. Use the swrba_admin command (process status check command) to reference information.


    swrba_admin pi-list -user swrbaadmin -password systemwalker#1 -piid 1600071 -appid cfmgApplication
    FSP_SW/RB-A_BASE: INFO: 02000: Start pi-list. Option:pi-list -piid 1600071 -appid cfmgApplication
    ProcessInstanceID    ProcessInstanceName   Status Initiator
    1600071          Patch distribution request_189003_win2008r2ja64_L0705_22(VEVI7HLL450001)
            aborted         manage
    Searched for one instance.
    FSP_SW/RB-A_BASE: INFO: 02001: pi-list has terminated normally. Option:pi-list -piid 1600071 -appid cfmgApplication Code:0

    Refer to the Reference Guide for information on the swrba_admin command (process status check command).

  3. From the displayed results, you can identify that the process instance name of the process that failed to be recovered is patch distribution request_189003_win2008r2ja64_L0705_22(VEVI7HLL450001).

  4. The configuration of process instance names is as follows:

    [For patch distribution/application]

    <Patch distribution request> (or <Patch application request>) + <Main process ID> + <Server name>

    In the above example, you can derive that patch distribution by the user "manage" to the server name "win2008r2ja64_L0705_22(VEVI7HLL450001)" failed.

  5. System administrators who have restored admin servers must notify the above information to relevant users, and the notified users should perform patch distribution/application, parameter setting, or script execution again..