Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.2.2 Number of "Unapplied (OS)" in Management Console does not Match the Number of Patches to be Applied as Detected by the "Check for Updates" Function on the Business Server

The number of Unapplied (OS) in the Server list window of the management console does not match the number of patches to be applied as detected by the Check for Updates function on the business server.

Applicable version and level Action

Points to check

The inconsistency arises when some patches are provided as part of a cumulative patch. This is because Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager counts all of the patches in a cumulative patch as patches that can be applied, while the Check for Updates function does not count patches in a cumulative patch as patches that can be applied.

For example, if Patch 3 is a cumulative patch containing Patch 1 and Patch 2, then Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager will detect them as three different patches that can be applied, but the Check for Updates function will detect them as one patch that can be applied.

Patches detected

Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager

Check for Updates function

Patch 3 (containing Patch 1 and Patch 2)



Patch 2



Patch 1



D: Detected as a patch that can be applied

-: Not detected as a patch that can be applied

Action method

If some patches are provided as part of a cumulative patch, having these patches unapproved on the WSUS server will prevent Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager from detecting the patches in a cumulative patch as patches that can be applied.