Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Operation Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.6.2 Installing Updates on the Admin Server

This section explains how to install updates on the admin server.



Install the updates in single-user mode, and restore to multi-user mode afterwards.

The procedure for installing updates is described below:

  1. Stop Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager

    Execute the following command on the admin server:


    Execute the command as a user with administrator privileges.

    <Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin\swcfmg_stop


    Execute the command as a superuser.


    If Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager stops successfully, a stop completion message will be output.

    Stop processing for Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager will start.
    Stop processing for Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager has completed normally.
  2. Stop ServerView Resource Orchestrator (only when linked)

    If linked to ServerView Resource Orchestrator, stop ServerView Resource Orchestrator.

    Refer to the ServerView Resource Orchestrator manual for details.

  3. Install the updates

    Refer to "Applying Updates to Systemwalker Runbook Automation" in the Systemwalker Runbook Automation Installation Guide for details.

    Refer to the Software Release Guide for information on where the SystemwalkerRunbook Automation manual is stored.

  4. Start ServerView Resource Orchestrator (only when linked)

    If linked to ServerView Resource Orchestrator, start ServerView Resource Orchestrator.

    Refer to the ServerView Resource Orchestrator manual for details

  5. Start Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager

    Execute the following command on the admin server:


    Execute the command as a user with administrator privileges.

    <Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin\swcfmg_start


    Execute the command as a superuser.


    If Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager starts successfully, a startup completion message will be output.

    Start processing for Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager will start.
    Start processing for Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager has completed normally.