Interstage Studio General Description
FUJITSU Software

5.5 Web Service Applications

Web services are technologies used to make system functions publicly available as services over networks, and they have been attracting public attention as one method of leveraging existing systems and promoting reuse of software.

For those purposes, Web services make possible platform-independent remote procedure calls for applications by using WSDL to define interfaces and using SOAP for communication with HTTP as the underlying protocol.

The following applications, which use Interstage Application Server as an operation environment, can be developed with Interstage Studio:

Figure 5.6 Configuration of a Web service application

The files necessary for developing Web service applications, such as WSDL and deployment descriptor files, can be created from the service endpoint interface. The files necessary for developing Web service client applications, such as a service endpoint interface and stub files, can be created from the WSDL file.