Interstage Studio General Description
FUJITSU Software

5.1.3 JavaBeans

JavaBeans is the rule for creating Java class components, and is also the general name of a component. Each component is called a bean. A bean can be used with GUI. JavaBeans is a component model that has concepts such as properties, methods, and events.

Creating a Java class as a bean (or a component) enables us not only to reuse them, but also to develop applications with GUI. Thus, by using the Java forms supplied by Interstage Studio, you can paste a bean to a Java form or other container bean and set the property of a bean with GUI.

Beans must be developed using Java. Interstage Studio supports the bean sample creation function to easily create a bean sample. A new bean can be created based on an existing bean. For example, a new text-style bean can be created by using an existing text-style bean and by executing a specific error checking function. Registered in an object palette for Java form designer, the created bean can be used as a component like the ones provided by other systems. In this way, you can develop and reuse beans efficiently in Interstage Studio.