ServerView Resource Orchestrator V3.1.1 Troubleshooting

6.2 The Error, vmerrno=104, Occurs during Operations for Virtual L-Servers, and .NET Runtime Errors are Recorded on the SCVMM Server. [Hyper-V]


In response to operations for virtual L-Servers on Hyper-V, the following message may be displayed, as the detailed error number 104(vmerrno=104) has failed.

FJSVrcx:ERROR:67390:creating VM guest failed. detail=(PowerShell script execution error :task result error.,vmerrno=104,ip=IP_address,host=VM_host_IP_address)

The parts "67390" and "creating VM guest failed" may change to different messages.

One of the following .NETRuntime errors are recorded in the application event log on the SCVMM server.

Level: Error
Source: .NET Runtime
ID: 0
.NET Runtime version : 2.0.50727.5456 - Application ErrorApplication has generated an exception that could not be handled.

Level: Error
Source: .NET Runtime
ID: 0
.NET Runtime version : 2.0.50727.5456 - Application Error

Level: Error
Source: .NET Runtime
ID: 0
.NET Runtime version : 2.0.50727.5456 - No debugger found. Registered JIT debugger is not available.

Level: Error
Source: .NET Runtime
ID: 1023
.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.5456 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (000007FEF9E89357) (800703e9)

This event may occur as the memory size necessary for correct operation cannot be reserved for the PowerShell host process operating on the SCVMM server.

Corrective Action

Configure the maximum memory size (MaxMemoryPerShellMB) that can be reserved by each Shell to a value larger than the current one, and check if the error can be avoided.
For details on how to modify the settings, refer to the procedure described in "E.2.5 Pre-setup Preparations in Hyper-V Environments" in the "Design Guide CE".
The necessary memory size differs depending on the sizes and configurations of managed targets. Therefore, if an error still occurs even when the settings have been modified to 1024 MB, set larger values (ex. 2048 MB) and check if the error can be avoided.