ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.1 Setup Guide

Chapter 11 Installing Software and Registering Agents on VM Hosts

This chapter explains how to install software and register an agent on VM host.


As OSs, required software, and agents are installed on physical L-Servers after their creation, the procedures in this chapter are not necessary for physical L-Servers. Simply skip the steps that were already performed.

Use the following procedure to install required software and register an agent on a VM host for .

After agent registration, the VM host on which the agent was installed will be displayed in the server resource tree. Usually, a server agent is automatically registered during server registration. In that case, this procedure can be skipped.

It is not necessary to re-install an already-setup operating system, required software, or agent. Simply skip the steps that were already performed.

  1. Install an OS

    1. Install the operating system on the managed server.

    2. Set up the admin LAN.

      Set up the admin IP address, the related network mask, and the default gateway for the managed servers defined in "9.2.5 Settings for Managed Servers" in the "Design Guide CE".

    Using storage devices in multi-path configurations

    • Install a multi-path driver on a and VM hosts. For VM hosts, use the one provided by default by either the operating system or virtualization software, when one is available.

    • When using SAN boot and HBA address rename, refer to "2. Settings for the HBA address rename Function" in "5.5.2 HBA address rename Settings" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE" to set the number of HBA paths used with HBA address rename for the number of HBA ports.
      The server is automatically restarted using a multi-path configuration.

    • When using SAN boot together with VIOM, follow the procedure described in "5.1.1 Registering VIOM Server Profiles" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE" to configure server profiles on the Web interface of ServerView Virtual-IO Manager.
      After configuration, the server will be started using a multi-path configuration.

    • When using SAN boot together with ESC, follow the procedure described in "8.1 Configuring WWN Settings for ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Integration" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE", and set the path name for HBA, WWNs of each HBA and the target CA, and Affinity Group. Also, correct the settings of the OS and OBP for multi-path use.
      After configuration, the server will be started using a multi-path configuration.


    After configuration of agents, the server name (computer name for [Hyper-V] or a system node name for [Solaris] [Solaris Zones] [VMware] [Xen] [KVM] [Citrix Xen] [OVM for x86 2.2] [OVM for x86 3.2] [OVM for SPARC]) defined during OS installation should be set according to the following guidelines.

    Specify up to 63 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
    The string cannot be composed solely of numbers.

    [VMware] [Xen] [KVM] [Citrix Xen]
    Specify up to 64 characters, including alphanumeric characters as well as the following symbols.

    "%", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ":", "=", "@", "_", "~"

    [Solaris] [Solaris Zones] [OVM for SPARC]
    Specify up to 24 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-"). This name should start with an alphabetical character.

    However, it is recommended that the name is comprised of the following characters defined in RFC (Request For Comment) 952, to take into consideration communication with other servers.

    • Alphanumeric Characters

    • Hyphens, ("-")

    It is recommended not to use duplicate names for , VM hosts, and VM guests. If duplicated names are used, those resources cannot be managed from the command-line.

    [Solaris] [Solaris Zones] [OVM for SPARC]
    When using Solaris 11, if creating user accounts during installation, roots are registered as roles. Therefore, the root account cannot be used for login. Log in using the user account, and use the su command to become a root user.

    When using Solaris 10 or earlier versions, execute the following as root in order to change to enable direct login using the root account. In this case, the root role is recognized as a root user.

    rolemod -K type=normal root <RETURN>

    Use SSH connection with the root account, and check if communication with the VM host is possible.
    If communication fails, modify the configuration. For details, refer to the manual of the basic software.

  2. Install Required Software

    Install the software packages that are required for a managed server.
    For details of the required software, refer to " Required Software" in the "Design Guide CE".


    When installing BMC BladeLogic RSCD Agent, add managed servers to BladeLogic.
    Specify the admin IP addresses of managed servers to add.

  3. Install the Agent

    Refer to "2.2 Agent Installation".

  4. Register the Agent

    Register the agent from the ROR console while the target server is running.

    [Solaris Zones] [OVM for SPARC]
    When the Logical Domains Manager daemon is enabled, VM hosts can be registered as Solaris Zones by configuring the definition files.

    For details, refer to "Chapter 8 Creating Definition Files".

    1. In the ROR console server resource tree, right-click the target server, and select [Register]-[Agent] from the popup menu.

      The [Register Agent] dialog is displayed.

    2. Select the Server OS category (physical OS or VM host).

      • For Servers Other than Fujitsu M10/SPARC Enterprise

        For a Physical OS

        Select [Windows/Linux].

        For a VM Host

        Select [VM Host], and enter the VM host login account information.
        This login account information will be used by Resource Orchestrator to control and communicate with the registered VM host.

      • For Fujitsu M10/SPARC Enterprise

        For a Physical OS
        Select "Solaris".

        For a VM Host
        Select "VM Host", and enter the VM host login account information.
        This login account information will be used by Resource Orchestrator to control and communicate with the registered VM host.

      User ID

      Enter the user ID to log in to the VM host.

      Specify the user name "root" which has VM host administrator authority.


      [Solaris] [Solaris Zones] [OVM for SPARC]
      When using Solaris 11, if creating user accounts during installation, roots are registered as roles. Therefore, the root account cannot be used for login. Log in using the user account, and use the su command to become a root user.

      When using Solaris 10 or earlier versions, execute the following as root in order to change to enable direct login using the root account. In this case, the root role is recognized as a root user.

      rolemod -K type=normal root <RETURN>

      Use SSH connection with the root account, and check if communication with the VM host is possible.
      If communication fails, modify the configuration. For details, refer to the manual of the basic software.


      Enter the password of the user to log in to the VM host.

    3. Click <OK>.

      The admin server starts to monitor and display server information obtained from the agent.


  • If "unknown" is displayed in the server resource tree for the status of a server in which the agent is installed, refer to "2.2 "unknown" Server Status" in "Troubleshooting" to solve the problem.

  • When an agent is registered on a VM host, all VM guests running on that VM host are also registered automatically. Whenever a VM guest is created, modified, deleted, or moved on a registered VM host, the changes are automatically updated in the server resource tree.

    The VM guest name displayed in the ROR console is either the VM name defined in its server virtualization software or the hostname defined in the guest OS.

    The timing at which the hostname of a guest OS is detected and displayed varies according its server virtualization software. For details, refer to "D.3 Functional Differences between Products" in the "Design Guide VE".

  • When performing system image backup or cloning image collection, it is necessary to either reboot the managed server or restart its "Related services" (explained in the "2.2 Starting and Stopping Agents" section in the "Operation Guide CE") after server registration.
    For details on how to restart the agent, refer to "2.2 Starting and Stopping Agents" in the "Operation Guide CE".

  • A server running a VM host can still be registered as a physical OS if "Windows/Linux" is selected in the [Server OS category] selection list. (Windows Server 2008 etc.)
    A VM host server that was mistakenly registered as a physical OS should be deleted and re-registered as a VM host.