ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.1 Setup Guide

2.3.3 Installation [Windows] [Hyper-V]

Install agents (Cloud Edition Dashboard Function) using the following procedure.

Before installation, check if "2.3.1 Preparations" have been performed.

  1. Log on to Windows as the administrator.

    Log on to the system on which the agent (Cloud Edition Dashboard Function) is to be installed. Log on using the Administrator account.

  2. Start the installer from the window displayed when the Resource Orchestrator DVD-ROM is set.

    Click "Agent(Cloud Edition for Dashboard) installation" which is displayed on the window.

  3. When installation is completed successfully, the following message will be displayed:

    INFO : ServerView Resource Orchestrator Agent (Cloud Edition for Dashboard) was installed successfully.

  4. Execute the command below when using Hyper-V.

    >Installation_folder\RCXCTMGA\setup\dsbsetup.bat IP_address <RETURN>

    Specify the admin LAN IP address of the managed server for IP address. It takes a few minutes to complete the command.

    Confirm that the message below is displayed after the command is completed.

    Info: Setup completed successfully.