ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.3 Operation Guide

B.3.2 Applying a sample script

B.3.2.1 Updating a sample script

Customize a sample script so that it is appropriate for the actual operation being performed.


  • This sample script assumes that the physical file of an instance is stored across two drives. If the information of an instance referenced (as described in "B.3.1.1 Collecting DB information") has only one drive, delete the two parts enclosed between the following lines. If more than two drives are used, copy the parts for the third and subsequent drives and modify each of them as appropriate.

    //[[[ Second Drive  - START - ]]]
    //[[[ Second Drive  - END - ]]]

    Change the svrmgrl command to the sqlplus command (nolog/option specification) for Oracle9i.

  • When BufferFlushOnly in the transaction volume locking specification file for backups is set to "off", it is failed to lock the transaction volumes because the active transaction volumes has been locked by the Oracle database during the backup processing.
    Therefore, set the either of following methods to flush the file system buffer of the transaction volume:

This script operates only on a Managed Server of AdvancedCopy Manager.