ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.3 Operation Guide

A.3.2 Post-processing of restoration

The name of a script file for post-processing of a restoration is as follows.

In the case of non-cluster operation
<Environment directory>\etc\backup\scripts\OpcRestorePost.js
In the case of cluster operation
<Shared disk>:\etc\opt\swstorage\etc\backup\scripts\OpcRestorePost.js

A.3.2.1 Post-processing script for restoration

  1: // AdvancedCopy Manager for Windows
  2: // All Rights Reserved, Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED, 2002-2009
  3: //
  4: // OpcRestorePost.js: Post-Processing Script for swstrestore
  5: //
  6: // [Parameters]
  7: // 1st argument: device name of transaction volume
  8: //
  9: // [Return Values]
 10: // 0: The script ended normally.
 11: // 2: The number of the arguments is incorrect.
 12: // (3,5): not used, but must not be used because older versions use these values.
 13: // 4: An error other than the above occurred.
 15: try {
 16:    // create global objects
 17:    var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");           // create Shell object
 18:    var WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS");                     // create Environment object
 19:    var fsObj    = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); // create FileSystemObject object
 21:    // create SwstRestorePostProc object
 22:    var proc = new SwstRestorePostProc();
 24:    // do nothing if postprocessing file exists
 25:    if (fsObj.FileExists(proc.postFileName) == false) {
 26:  proc.doNothing();
 27:    }
 28:    // get postprocessing type
 29:    else {
 30:  var postProcType = proc.getPostProcType();
 31:  switch(postProcType) {
 32:  case "none":
 33:     proc.doNothing();
 34:     break;
 35:       }
 36:    }
 38:    // clear temporary file
 39:    proc.deletePostFile();
 40:    SwstQuit(0);
 41: } catch (e) {
 42:    SwstQuit(6);
 43: }
 45: function SwstRestorePostProc()
 46: {
 47:    // member variables
 48:    this.tvName = WScript.Arguments.length!=1?SwstQuit(1):WScript.Arguments.Item(0); // device name of transaction volume
 49:    this.postFileName = getDataPathName() + "\\" + getPutFileName(this.tvName) + ".pre";   // name of postprocessing file
 51:    // member functions
 52:    this.getPostProcType= getPostProcType;                // self-explanatory
 53:    this.doNothing       = doNothing;                       // self-explanatory
 54:    this.deletePostFile = deletePostFile;                 // self-explanatory
 55: }
 57: function getPostProcType()
 58: {
 59:    var iomode = 1;    // means read-only mode
 60:    var create = false; // means not to create a file
 61:    var postFileStream = fsObj.OpenTextFile(this.postFileName, iomode, create);
 62:    var postProc = postFileStream.ReadAll();
 63:    postFileStream.Close();
 64:    return postProc;
 65: }
 67: function doNothing()
 68: {
 69:    // do nothing
 70: }
 72: function deletePostFile()
 73: {
 74:    if (fsObj.FileExists(this.postFileName) == true) {
 75:  fsObj.DeleteFile(this.postFileName);
 76:    }
 77: }
 79: function SwstQuit(exitStatus)
 80: {
 81:    switch(exitStatus) {
 82:    case 0:
 83:  WScript.Quit(0);
 84:    case 1:
 85:  WScript.Echo("[Restore Postprocessing] The number of the arguments is incorrect.");
 86:  WScript.Quit(2);
 87:    default:
 88:  WScript.Echo("[Restore Postprocessing] The script exited abnormally.");
 89:  WScript.Quit(4);
 90:    }
 91: }
 93: function getDataPathName()
 94: {
 95:    return WshShell.RegRead(getSetupInfoKey() + "\\etcPathName") + "\\etc\\backup\\data\\DEFAULT";
 96: }
 98: function getBinPathName()
 99: {
100:    return WshShell.RegRead(getSetupInfoKey() + "\\PathName") + "\\bin";
101: }
103: function getSetupInfoKey()
104: {
105:    var nodeName = WshEnv.Item("SWSTGNODE");
106:    if( nodeName != "" ){
107:  return "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Fujitsu\\AdvancedCopy Manager\\CurrentVersion\\" + nodeName;
108:    }
109:    return "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Fujitsu\\AdvancedCopy Manager\\CurrentVersion";
110: }
112: function getPutFileName(deviceName){
113:    var fileName;
114:    if( isSafeDISKName(deviceName) ){
115:  var re = /(\S+)\/(\S+):(\S+)/;
116:  fileName = deviceName.replace(re, "$1_$2_$3");
117:    }else{
118:  fileName = deviceName;
119:    }
120:    return(fileName);
121: }
123: function getGXDXPX(deviceName){
124:    var gXdXpX;
125:    if( isSafeDISKName(deviceName) ){
126:  var re = /(\S+)\/(\S+):(\S+)/;
127:  gXdXpX = deviceName.replace(re, "$3");
128:    }else{
129:  gXdXpX = deviceName;
130:    }
131:    return(gXdXpX);
132: }
134: function isSafeDISKName(deviceName){
135:    var key = ":g";
136:    var s = deviceName.indexOf(key);
137:    if ( s < 0 ) {
138:  return (false);
139:    } else {
140:  return (true);
141:    }
142: }


The backup volume is locked/unlocked not by the script but by the command. Therefore, the restoration pre-processing and post-processing scripts are executed immediately before and after the backup volume is locked/unlocked.

Figure A.7 Restoration


In the restoration pre-processing, to avoid a temporary access conflict with other applications, locking is retried if it cannot complete its operation. If the number of times the command is executed reaches the specified retry count limit, locking ends abnormally. If an abnormal end occurs, a process that is using the backup-restored volume remains active. Stop all applications and services involved or take other appropriate measures so that the volume cannot be used by another process.
Although the retry count limit can be changed by creating a volume locking specification file and resetting the count limit (for details on the file, refer to "A.3.3 Backup-restored volume locking specification file"), the files do not need to be created if appropriate measures have been taken to prevent other processes from using the target volume during restoration processing execution.