Change (including addition and deletion) the IP address of a Management Server as follows:
If IPv4 address or IPv6 address is added, the following step 1 and step 6 are not required:
If only a physical IP address needs to be changed and the Management Server uses a logical IP address, then perform steps 6 only. Otherwise, perform all steps.
If replication management function was used at the Management Server to define it as a copy source or copy destination volume, delete the copy source or copy destination volume settings by referring to "7.6.2 Deleting a source volume or replica volume".
On the Management Server, change the system IP address.
Restart the various AdvancedCopy Manager services on the Management Server. Refer to "Chapter 2 Starting and Stopping Services" for the restart method.
Note that this step is not required if the system was restarted in step 1.
On the Management Server, create a server information change instruction file, and then execute stgxfwcmmodsrv (Server information change command) with the -f option specified to change the IP address.
On the Management Server, restart the services of AdvancedCopy Manager. For information on restarting a service, refer to "Chapter 2 Starting and Stopping Services".
If the replication management function is used, reconstruct the replication management environment (perform the "7.4.5 Configuring the source volume and replica volume" task and subsequent tasks).
For information about making the above change in a cluster operation, refer to " Changing the IP address of Management Server transaction".
If you change or delete the IP version of the Management Server, take the following actions for the Managed Servers registered with pre-changed or pre-deleted IP version:
When changing the IP version (change from IPv4 to IPv6 or from IPv6 to IPv4):
Delete the target Managed Server
Change the IP address of the Management Server according to the procedure.
Re-register the target Managed Server with changed IP version.
When deleting the IP version (change from both IPv4 and IPv6 to either one of IPv6 and IPv4):
Change the IP address of the target Managed Server to the changed IP version.
Change the IP address of the Management Server according to the procedure.