ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.3 Operation Guide

1.8.6 How to investigate the process where volume is used

This sub-section describes how to investigate processes using the volume from openfiles.exe output files. (The investigation using openfiles.exe /query /v output file is also same procedure.)

handle.exe -a output format

When handle -a is handle v3.42, it displays information by the following format. In case of other versions, output format cannot be the followings.


[The output example for handle.exe -a]

Handle v3.42
Copyright (C) 1997-2008 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

    4: Process       System(4)
    8: Thread        System(4): 12
 1FF8: File  (---)   \Device\Tcp
smss.exe pid: 1424 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    4: KeyedEvent    \KernelObjects\CritSecOutOfMemoryEvent
    8: Event         
   70: Port          
csrss.exe pid: 1840 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    4: Key           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
    8: KeyedEvent    \KernelObjects\CritSecOutOfMemoryEvent
  A28: Thread        lsass.exe(840): 4084
winlogon.exe pid: 1976 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    4: Key           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
    8: KeyedEvent    \KernelObjects\CritSecOutOfMemoryEvent
  86C: Key           HKCR
services.exe pid: 812 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    4: KeyedEvent    \KernelObjects\CritSecOutOfMemoryEvent
    8: Event         

The investigation procedure using handle.exe -a output information

Specify the process using the following procedures.

  1. Open the save destination file of handle.exe -a any in text editor.

  2. Search all lines including drive letters in error volumes or mount point.

  3. Specify the error caused process name and process ID by scrolling up from the each line that is retrieved above 2.


[Example: Retrieve handle.exe -a output information by "X:"]

svchost.exe pid: 1884 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM                    <--The process using "X:"
    4: KeyedEvent    \KernelObjects\CritSecOutOfMemoryEvent
    8: Event         
  EA0: File  (RWD)   X:\$Extend\$ObjId                          <--The line including "X:"

In case that the process using the volume is a service, this service is determined by referring to tasklist /svc output information.


[Example: Retrieve tasklist /svc output information by process name:svchost.exe and process ID:1884]

Image Name                     PID Services
========================= ======== ============================================
System Idle Process              0 N/A
System                           4 N/A
smss.exe                      1424 N/A
csrss.exe                     1840 N/A
winlogon.exe                  1976 N/A
services.exe                   812 Eventlog, PlugPlay
lsass.exe                      840 HTTPFilter, kdc, Netlogon, NtLmSsp,
                                   PolicyAgent, ProtectedStorage, SamSs
svchost.exe                   1132 DcomLaunch
svchost.exe                   1692 RpcSs
svchost.exe                   1736 Dhcp, Dnscache
svchost.exe                   1808 Alerter, LmHosts, W32Time
svchost.exe                   1884 AeLookupSvc, BITS, Browser, CryptSvc,
                                   dmserver, EventSystem, helpsvc,
                                   lanmanserver, lanmanworkstation, Netman,
                                   Nla, NtmsSvc, Schedule, seclogon, SENS,
                                   ShellHWDetection, TrkWks, winmgmt,
                                   wuauserv, WZCSVC
ccSetMgr.exe                  2036 ccSetMgr

A process can be used by multiple services like the above example. In this case, determine the service causing the error by stopping each corresponding service one by one. ("TrkWks" service, whose service display name is "Distributed Link Tracking Client", is using "X:\$Extend\$ObjId".)