PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.3Redundant Line Control Function

A.1.3 Console output messages (numbers 800 to 900)

The following describes the messages output on the console by Redundant Line Control Function, explanation, and operator response.

Messages (numbers 910 to 914) are output to /var/log/messages in the following format by adding to /var/log/messages of /etc/syslog.conf (for RHEL5) or /etc/rsyslog.conf (for RHEL6).

Output example)

Message number 914 output when the virtual interface switches the physical interface

Jul 7 21:44:32 linux kernel: hanet: INFO: 91480: the physical interface of the virtual interface was switched. (sha1:untagged from=eth6 to=eth4)

Jul 7 21:44:32 linux kernel: hanet: INFO: 91480: the physical interface of the virtual interface was switched. (sha1:tagged from=eth6 to=eth4)

The following table shows facilities and priorities for the message numbers output to the syslog file.



Message number



800, 801, 990, 991, 992






910, 911, 912, 913, 914



856, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895






other than those above

Table A.5 Message number 8xx

Message number





line status changed: Link Down at TRUNKING mode (interface on devicename, target=host_name)

An error occurred in the communication with the remote host system (host_name) using the physical interface (interface) controlled by the virtual interface (devicename) that is operating in the Fast switching mode.

Check whether an error has occurred on the communication path to the remote host system.


line status changed: Link Up at TRUNKING mode (interface on devicename, target=host_name)

The communication with the remote host system (host_name) using the physical interface (interface) controlled by the virtual interface (devicename) is recovered.

No action is required.


file open failed.

Failed to open the file.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


file read failed.

Failed to read the file.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


pipe create failed.

Failed to create the internal communication pipe.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


internal error.

An internal error occurred.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


cannot get my process id

Failed to obtain the local process ID.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


cannot up interface.

Failed to up the virtual interface.

If HWADDR is set in the operating system configuration file (ifcfg-ethX), check whether the file is set to disable HOTPLUG (for example, HOTPLUG=no). For details, see "3.2.2 Network configuration".

If no problem has been found, collect materials for the examination of the Redundant Line Control function and contact field engineers to report the error message.


sha device open failed.

Failed to open the "sha" driver.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


ioctl(SHAIOCSETRSCMON) failed.

Failed to send the monitor start request.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


ClOpen failed.

The connection to the cluster failed.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system. If there is no mistake, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system, and tell an error message to field engineers. See the manual of a cluster system as to the materials necessary for examining a cluster system.


no data in cluster event.

No data was found in the cluster event.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system. If there is no mistake, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system, and tell an error message to field engineers. See the manual of a cluster system as to the materials necessary for examining a cluster system.


ClSetStat failed.

The cluster resource status could not be set.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system. If there is no mistake, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system, and tell an error message to field engineers. See the manual of a cluster system as to the materials necessary for examining a cluster system.


directory open failed.

Failed to open the directory.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


signal send failed.

Failed to send the signal.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


command can be executed only with super-user.

The execution-time authority is invalid.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


could not allocate memory.

Failed to obtain the memory.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


fork failed.

The fork () failed.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


child process execute failed.

Failed to generate the child process.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


getmsg failed.

Failed to receive the data from the "sha" driver.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


shared library address get failed.

Failed to obtain the shared library address.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


poll failed.

The poll () failed.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


ioctl(SHAIOCSETIPADDR) failed.

Failed to notify the IP address.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


interface does not exist.

The interface defined in NIC switching mode does not exist.

Please check that there is no error in the definition of a Redundant Line Control Function, and the definition of a system. Moreover, please check about the existence of the corresponding interface using the ifconfig command. When abnormalities cannot be discovered, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


could not restart routed.

Failed to restart the routing daemon. The HUB monitoring function is stopped and cluster switching is performed.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a system, a Redundant Line Control Function, and a cluster system. If the same phenomenon occurs, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system, and tell an error message to field engineers. See the manual as to the materials necessary for examining a cluster system.


could not restart rdisc.

Failed to restart the router discovery daemon. The HUB monitoring function is stopped and cluster switching is performed.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a system, a Redundant Line Control Function, and a cluster system. If the same phenomenon occurs, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system, and tell an error message to field engineers. See the manual as to the materials necessary for examining a cluster system.


internal error retry over. polling stop.

A HUB monitoring internal error occurred. The HUB monitoring is stopped.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a system, a Redundant Line Control Function, and a cluster system. If the same phenomenon occurs, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system, and tell an error message to field engineers. See the manual as to the materials necessary for examining a cluster system.


device is inactive. polling stop.

The virtual interface for HUB monitoring is not activated. The HUB monitoring function is disabled.

Activate the virtual interface. Then, inactivate and activate the HUB monitoring function. This message may be displayed when cluster switching occurs during cluster operation, but in this case, no action is needed.


poll fail retry over. polling stop.

The transmission line failed as many times as specified by the retry count consecutively. The HUB monitoring function is disabled.

Check the line failure. After checking the line recovery, inactivate and activate the HUB monitoring function.


cannot down interface.

Failed to inactivate the physical interface.

Check that the Redundant Line Control function and the system are correctly set. If HWADDR is set in the operating system configuration file (ifcfg-ethX), check whether the file is set to disable HOTPLUG (for example, HOTPLUG=no).

For details, see "3.2.2 Network configuration". If no problem has been found, collect materials for the examination of the Redundant Line Control function and contact field engineers to report the error message.


primary polling failed. lip=logicalIP, target=pollip.

An error of path to the primary monitoring destination was detected in the initial check of the physical interface.
logicalIP: Logical IP
Pollip: Monitoring destination IP

Check for any failure on the communication path to the monitoring destination.


secondary polling failed. lip=logicalIP, target=pollip.

An error of path to the secondary monitoring destination was detected in the initial check of the physical interface.
logicalIP: Logical IP
pollip: Monitoring destination IP

Check for any failure on the communication path to the monitoring destination.


physical interface up failed.

Failed to activate a physical interface.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system. If there is no mistake, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


logical interface up failed.

Failed to activate a logical interface.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system. If there is no mistake, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


cluster logical interface is not found.

The logical interface registered with the cluster was not found.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a system, a Redundant Line Control Function, and a cluster system. If the same phenomenon occurs, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system, and tell an error message to field engineers. See the manual as to the materials necessary for examining a cluster system.


cluster configuration is incomplete.

The logical IP address cannot be activated because the cluster settings are incomplete.

Review the cluster system settings, and reboot the system


polling information is not defined.

Monitoring destination information is not defined.

Define monitoring destination information using the hanetpoll command.


observe information is not defined.

Monitoring destination information is not defined.

Define monitoring destination information using the hanetobserv command.


interface does not exist.

There is no interface which NIC switching mode is using.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


cannot set interface flags.

The flag operation to an interface in use became failure.

Collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


polling status changed: Primary polling failed. (ifname,target=pollip)

Ping monitoring on the primary side has failed.
ifname: Interface name pollip: Monitoring destination address
vlanid: VLAN for monitoring destination

Check that there is no problem in communication routes to the monitoring destination. Perform recovery steps as needed (see "F.3.1 Error messages(870) and corresponding actions for HUB monitoring"). When monitoring is failed even if communication is normal, tuning is required for the monitoring interval and the number of monitoring.

polling status changed: Primary polling failed. (ifname,target=pollip, vlan=vlanid)


polling status changed: Secondary polling failed. (ifname,target=pollip)

Ping monitoring on the secondary side has failed.
ifname: Interface name pollip: Monitoring destination address
vlanid: VLAN for monitoring destination

Check that there is no problem in communication routes to the monitoring destination. Perform recovery steps as needed (see "F.3.1 Error messages(870) and corresponding actions for HUB monitoring"). When monitoring is failed even if communication is normal, tuning is required for the monitoring interval and the number of monitoring.

polling status changed: Secondary polling failed. (ifname,target=pollip, vlan=vlanid)


polling status changed: PrimaryHUB to SecondaryHUB polling failed. (ifname,target=pollip)

HUB-to-HUB communication monitoring on the primary side failed.
ifname: Interface name
pollip: Monitoring destination address

Check for any failure on the communication path to the monitoring destination. Review "F.3.1 Error messages(870) and corresponding actions for HUB monitoring".


polling status changed: SecondaryHUB to PrimaryHUB polling failed. (ifname,target=pollip)

HUB-to-HUB communication monitoring on the secondary side failed.
ifname: Interface name
pollip: Monitoring destination address

Check for any failure on the communication path to the monitoring destination. Review "F.3.1 Error messages(870) and corresponding actions for HUB monitoring".


polling status changed: HUB repair (target=pollip)

Line failure in ping monitoring has repaired.
pollip: Monitoring destination address
vlanid: VLAN for monitoring destination

No action is required.

polling status changed: HUB repair (target=pollip,vlan=vlanid)


standby interface failed.(ifname)

Route failure was detected by the standby patrol.
ifname: Interface name of standby patrol
vlanid: VLAN for monitoring destination

Check that there is no problem in communication routes between the operating NIC and the standby NIC. Perform recovery steps as needed (see "F.3.2 Error messages(875) and corresponding actions for standby patrol"). When monitoring is failed even if communication is normal, tuning is required for the monitoring interval and the number of monitoring.

standby interface failed.(ifname, vlan=vlanid)


node status is noticed.(sourceip:status)

A node status change was notified from the remote system.
sourceip: Source address
status: Notified status

Check the status of the source.


route error is noticed.(sourceip)

A communication path failure was notified from the remote system.
sourceip: Source address

Check for any failure on the communication path to the source.


route error is detected.(target=IP)

A communication path failure was detected from the remote system.
IP: Remote system address

Check for any failure on the communication path to the source.


message received from unknown host.(srcaddr)

A message was received from an unregistered remote system.
srcaddr: Source address

Register the corresponding remote host using the hanetobserve command.


failed to send node down notice by time out. (dstip)

Node status notification failed due to timeout.
dstip: Destination address

Check for any failure of the remote system and on the communication path to the remote system.


semaphore is broken. (errno)

Creates a semaphore again because it is deleted.

It is not necessary to deal with.


shared memory is broken. (errno)

Creates a shared memory again because it is deleted.

It is not necessary to deal with.


activation of a wrong interface has been detected. (ifname)

Since the interface was unjustly activated by the user, the state of an interface is restored.
ifname: interface name

Check that the interface has been recovered correctly. In addition, when this message is displayed to the user operating nothing, please investigate the cause of the abnormality occurred.
Note that no action is required when this message is output at the timing of connecting LAN cable in the environment which uses IPv6, which leads to turn the status of the physical interface from link down to link up. This is caused by the automatic activation of a physical interface due to the automatic allocation of a link local address by the OS.


unexpected interface deactivation has been detected. (ifname)

Since the interface was unjustly deactivated by the user, the state of an interface is restored.
ifname: interface name

Check that the interface has been recovered correctly. In addition, when this message is displayed to the user operating nothing, please investigate the cause of the abnormality occurred.


standby interface recovered.(ifname)

The recovery of the route in the standby side was detected by standby patrol.
ifname: Interface name of standby patrol
vlanid: VLAN for monitoring destination

It is not necessary to deal with.

standby interface recovered.(ifname, vlan=vlanid)


recover from route error is noticed.(ifname)

The recovery was notified from the remote system.
ifname: Interface name

It is not necessary to deal with.


recover from route error is detected. (target=IP)

The recovery of the remote system was detected.
IP: Remote system address

It is not necessary to deal with.


interface is activated. (ifname)

The physical interface was activated.
ifname: Interface name

It is not necessary to deal with.


interface is inactivated. (ifname)

The physical interface was inactivated.
ifname: Interface name

It is not necessary to deal with.


logical IP address is activated. (logicalIP)

The logical IP address was activated.
logicalIP: Logical IP

It is not necessary to deal with.


logical IP address is inactivated. (logicalIP)

The logical IP address was inactivated.
logicalIP: Logical IP

It is not necessary to deal with.


logical virtual interface is activated. (ifname)

The logical virtual interface was activated.
ifname: Interface name

It is not necessary to deal with.


logical virtual interface is inactivated. (ifname)

The logical virtual interface was inactivated.
ifname: Interface name

It is not necessary to deal with.


virtual interface is activated. (ifname)

The virtual interface was activated.
ifname: Interface name

It is not necessary to deal with.


virtual interface is inactivated. (ifname)

The virtual interface was inactivated.
ifname: Interface name

It is not necessary to deal with.


path to standby interface is established. (ifname)

Monitoring by standby patrol has started normally.
Ifname: Interface name of standby patrol
vlanid: VLAN for monitoring destination

It is not necessary to deal with.

path to standby interface is established. (ifname, vlan=vlanid)


immediate exchange to primary interface is canceled. (ifname)

Restrained prompt failback to the primary interface by standby patrol.
ifname: A name of an interface.
This message is output when the monitor-to information to set by a hanetpoll create command is other than HUB.

It is not necessary to deal with. When executing prompt failback, use a hanetpoll modify command and change the monitor-to information to a host name or an IP address of HUB.


unexpected interface flags have been detected. (ifname) (code)

Since the interface was unjustly changed by the user, the state of an interface is restored.
ifname: interface name
code: detailed code

Check that the interface has been recovered correctly. In addition, when this message is displayed to the user operating nothing, please investigate the cause of the interface flag change.


route to polling address is inconsistent.

The network address defined to virtual interface and monitoring target is not the same, or since inappropriate routing information was registered into routing table, the mistaken monitoring is performed.

Please correct, when you check monitoring target address and there is an error. When there is no error in monitoring target address, please check whether inappropriate routing information is registered into the routing table. When using tagged VLAN interface, please confirm whether a virtual interface is a setting of NIC switching mode (operation mode "d").
If you are using NIC switching (operation mode "e"), change the operation mode, or perform asynchronous switching. Also, change the monitored remote system settings according to the message.

Table A.6 Message number 9xx

Message number





routing information has inconsistency.

Routing information of the communication target, which is set by using the hanetobserv command, is not registered into the routing table, or inconsistent routing information is registered.

Check if there is any inconsistency between the following information:

  • A gateway address of the real IP address of the communication target set by using the hanetobserv command

  • Routing information registered into the routing table


route error to virtual ip address is detected. (

Every monitoring path for the virtual addresses of the remote system failed.

Check that there is no problem with the communication path to the virtual IP addresses of the remote system.


recover from route error to virtual ip address is detected. (

Monitoring the virtual IP addresses of the remote system is now possible.

No action is required.


hanetctld restarted.

The control daemon of the GLS is restarted.

No action is required.


failed to restart daemon.

Restarting the control daemon of the GLS is failed.

Restart the Redundant Line Control Function for recovery (/opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/resethanet -s). When recovery is failed, restart the OS.


link up detected: the physical interface link is up. (devicename: ifname)

The physical interface is linked up.

devicename: Virtual interface name

ifname: Physical interface name

No action is required.


link down detected: the physical interface link is down. (devicename: ifname)

The physical interface is linked down.

devicename: Virtual interface name

ifname: Physical interface name

Check the link state based on the execution results of the /sbin/ifconfig ifname command (RUNNING flag displayed) and the /sbin/ethtool ifname command ("Link detected: yes" displayed).

If the link is down, check whether the neighboring switch works, and whether the speed settings (auto negotiation, full-duplex, etc) for the switch and server are correctly set.


link up detected: the virtual interface link is up. (devicename)

The virtual interface is linked up.

devicename: Virtual interface name

No action is required.


link down detected: the virtual interface link is down. (devicename)

The virtual interface is linked down.

devicename: Virtual interface name

Check the link status of the physical interface bundled by the virtual interface.


the physical interface of the virtual interface was switched. (devicename: vlantype

from=ifname1 to=ifname2)

The physical interface which is used for communication of the virtual interface has been switched.

devicename: Virtual interface name

vlantype: "untagged" or "tagged"

ifname1: Physical interface before switching

ifname2: Physical interface after switching

Check the link status of the physical interface bundled by the virtual interface.

No action is required when the "hanetnic change" command is executed.


The "vlantype" is output only when a tagged VLAN interface is created on the virtual interface.


vlan loadbalance apply execute. (devicename)

The physical interface has been switched.

devicename: Virtual interface name

No action is required.


monitoring function detected failures in the entire transfer route. (ifname)

Failures in all transfer routes are detected by the network monitoring function.

ifname: Interface name
vlanid: VLAN for monitoring destination

Check that there is no problem in transfer routes to the monitoring destination and transfer routes between the operating NIC and the standby NIC.

monitoring function detected failures in the entire transfer route. (ifname, vlan=vlanid)


physical interface settings is incorrect.(name=device ifname=interface param=XXXX)

There is an error in the physical interface settings.

Modify the physical interface configuration file (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX). For details, see "3.2.2 Network configuration." After the modification is completed, restart the operating system.


physical interface configuration file not found.(name=device ifname=interface)

There is no physical interface configuration file.

Failed to see the physical interface configuration file (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX). Check the file. For details, see "3.2.2 Network configuration." After the modification is completed, restart the operating system.


failed to startup self-checking.

The self-checking function failed to start.

Follow the instructions of the previously displayed message.


sha driver error has been detected.

GLS driver error has been detected.

Follow the recovery procedure.


hanetctld error has been detected.

GLS daemon error has been detected.

If a recovery message is displayed, no action is required. If not displayed, follow the recovery procedure.


hanetctld recovery has been detected.

GLS daemon recovery has been detected.

No action is required.


failed to execute a shell script.

User script execution has failed.

Check that the user script file is present. Also, check whether the system resources are running out by checking the message output time.


sha driver does not exist.

The virtual driver is not installed.

Check whether the GLS package (FJSVhanet) is installed.
# rpm -qi FJSVhanet
# lsmod sha


hanetctld does not exist.

The control daemon is not running.

Check whether the GLS package (FJSVhanet) is installed. Also, check that the system has been rebooted after installation.
# rpm -qi FJSVhanet
# pgrep hanetctld


configuration is invalid.

Failed to switch virtual networks on the virtual machine.

Review the setting referenced in the message.


The virtual network link operation failed.

Failed to switch virtual networks on the virtual machine.

Check that there is no mistake in the setting of a Redundant Line Control Function and a cluster system. If there is no mistake, collect materials for examination of a Redundant Line Control Function, and tell an error message to field engineers.


The virtual network link operation ended normally.

Successfully switched virtual networks on the virtual machine.

No action is required.


line status changed: all lines disabled: (devicename: interface1=Down, interface2=Down, ...)

In Fast switching mode, it is not possible to continue communicating with the other end host because all physical interfaces (interfaceN) bundled by a virtual interface in operation (devicename) became Down.

Check if or not there is any error in a transfer route of communication to the other end host for all physical interfaces.


line status changed: some lines in operation: (devicename: interface1=[Up|Down], interface2=[Up|Down], ...)

In Fast switching mode, part of the physical interfaces (interfaceN) bundled by a virtual interface in operation (devicename) became Down (or Up).

Check if or not there is any error in a transfer route of communication to the other end host for physical interfaces in Down status.


line status changed: all lines enabled: (devicename: interface1=Up, interface2=Up, ...)

In Fast switching mode, all physical interfaces (interfaceN) bundled by a virtual interface in operation (devicename) became Up and communication with the other end host recovered.

No action is required.


link down detected: Primary polling failed. (ifname,target=pollip)

Link is down for the primary interface in use.

ifname: interface name

polip: monitoring destination address

Check the link state based on the execution results of the /sbin/ifconfig ifname command (RUNNING flag displayed) and the /sbin/ethtool ifname command ("Link detected: yes" displayed). If the link is down, check whether the neighboring switch works, and whether the speed settings (auto negotiation, full-duplex, etc) for the switch and server are correctly set.


link down detected: Secondary polling failed. (ifname,target=pollip)

Link is down for the primary interface in use.

ifname: interface name

polip: monitoring destination address

Check the link state based on the execution results of the /sbin/ifconfig ifname command (RUNNING flag displayed) and the /sbin/ethtool ifname command ("Link detected: yes" displayed). If the link is down, check whether the neighboring switch works, and the speed settings (auto negotiation, full-duplex, etc) for the switch and server are correctly set.