ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Installation Guide

Appendix A Advisory Notes for Environments with Systemwalker Centric Manager or ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser

This appendix explains advisory notes for use of Resource Orchestrator in combination with Systemwalker Centric Manager or ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.

Installation [Linux]

When using the following products on servers that a manager has been installed on, in order to share SNMP Traps between servers ServerView Trap Server for Linux (trpsrvd) is necessary.

ServerView Trap Server for Linux (trpsrvd) is used to transfer snmp traps received at UDP port number 162 to other UDP port numbers.
The ServerView Trap Server for Linux is included in some versions of ServerView Operations Manager. In this case, install ServerView Trap Server for Linux referring to the ServerView Operations Manager manual.

If ServerView Trap Server for Linux is not included with ServerView Operations Manager, download it from the following web site, and install it referring to the documents provided with it.

URL: (As of February 2012)

After installing ServerView Trap Server for Linux, perform the following settings.

  1. Log in as the OS administrator (root).

  2. Edit the /etc/services file, and add the following line.

    mpwksttr-trap    49162/udp
  3. Edit the /usr/share/SMAWtrpsv/conf/trpsrvtargets file, and add port 49162.

    Before editing

    # Copyright (C) Fujitsu Siemens Computers 2007
    # All rights reserved
    # Configuration File for trpsrv (SMAWtrpsv)

    # Syntax
    # port [(address | -) [comment]]

    # examples
    # 8162
    # 9162 - test
    # 162

    After editing

    # Copyright (C) Fujitsu Siemens Computers 2007
    # All rights reserved
    # Configuration File for trpsrv (SMAWtrpsv)

    # Syntax
    # port [(address | -) [comment]]

    # examples
    # 8162
    # 9162 - test
    # 162

    #Transfer to UDP port 49162.

  4. Restart the system.

Upgrading from Earlier Versions