Registering confirm information of running status
First of all, determine the belonged group name to be confirmed target server , the service name to be confirmed, and port number.
For example, if there are 3 types (Web server/AP server/DB server) target server.
And if the confirmed group name are "Web", "AP", "DB". Determine confirmed service name, and port number in each confirmed group name. Service name and port number can be specified multiply.
Additionally, in confirmed group name, use only one-byte alphabet and numbers, "-"(hyphen),"_"(underscore), and "/"(diagonal).
Confirmed group name | Service name | Port number |
Web | IISADMIN | 80 |
AP | Apache Tomcat | 8080 |
DB | SQL Server | 1433 |
Register confirm information of running status determined above to CMDB. Register confirm information to expected record.
According to above confirm information, for "logical node", "service/daemon", and "OS process" of expected record , confirm whether the following information are registered. If no register, register it. Also relate registered "service/daemon" and "OS process" to "logical node"
Attribute | Setting value |
Unique ID | Confirmed group name |
IP Address | Optional value |
Attribute | Setting value |
Unique ID | Optional value |
Service name | Service name to confirm starting status (Service name of Windows) |
Attribute | Setting value |
Unique ID | Optional value |
Process name | Port number or service name to confirm whether can be connected |
Refer from | Refer to |
logical node | Service/daemon |
logical node | OS process |
Registering Information of Confirmed Target Server
Register "Group name to confirm" which apply in confirmed target server to "Logical node" of confirmed target server. Register it to observed record.
For "logical node" of observed record, confirm whether the following information is registered. If no registered, register it.
Attribute | Setting value |
Use | Group name to confirm |
For the operation to register data to CMDB, refer to the Configuration Management in the "Systemwalker Runbook Automation Operation Guide"
The relationship between "logical node", "Service/daemon", and "OS process" are described below.
In above figure, confirmed group name, service name and port number are registered as below.
Confirmed group name | Service name | port number |
Web | service1, service2 | port1 |
AP | service2 | port2,port3 |
DB | service3 | port3 |
Also, the confirmation of running status of server1 and server3 can be executed by registering information of Web group, and the confirmation of running status of server2 by registering information of AP group.