Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide

3.14.4 Register Schedule Definitions


Registers the scheduled definition that will start the automated operation process. With this operation component, you can check and update registered scheduled definitions from the scheduled definition screen. Also, from the process status screen, performance management of the execution status is possible.


Basic Options

(1) process_definition

Name of the automated startup operation process. Specify up to 64 characters. Only automated operation processes within the same process group can be specified.

In the following cases, an error will occur:

  • If the automated operation process is omitted

  • If there is not the permission to start the specified automated operation process

  • If a nonexistent automated operation process has been specified

(2) schedule_definition_name

Schedule Definition name. Specify up to 50 characters.

The following characters, whitespace, and user defined characters cannot be included. Also, # cannot be specified as the first character:

? \ * " < > | / : ; , ' .

In the following cases, an error will occur:

  • If the same Schedule Definition or Schedule Pattern as the specified Schedule Definition name already exists in the process group

  • If invalid characters are specified

  • If a Schedule Definition name of more than 50 characters is specified

(3) startup_day

Specifies startup day. Specify using the format yyyymmdd. A date up to three years into the future from the process instance startup date can be specified.

In the following cases, an error will occur:

  • If the startup day is omitted

  • If an incorrect format is specified

  • If an incorrect date is specified

(4) startup_time

Startup time. Specify using the format hhmm. The valid range is from 0000 to 2359. Startup will occur on the date set in (3) at the time set in (4). If specified in an incorrect format, an error will occur.

Advanced Options

(1) param

The value set for the UDA at the startup time of the automated operation process. Set in the format uda name=value. If carrying out multiple settings, set in CSV format. For input formats and cautions, refer to "3.17 Notes on Specifying Multiple Input Parameters".

(2) memo

Explanations for the Schedule Definitions. Specify up to 128 characters. If the limit of 128 bytes is exceeded, an error will occur.

(3) estimatedtime

Execution estimation time. The valid range is from 1 to 9999 (minutes). If this is omitted, the value will be set to 15 (minutes). If a value other than 1 to 9999 is set, an error will occur.

(4) timeout

Completion timeout (in seconds) for the execution of operation components.

The valid range is from 300 to 86,400 (1 day).

For example, this is the completion timeout for 10 minutes: 600

If the execution of the operation component is not completed even after the specified time is exceeded, the operation component process will be suspended with a return value of 201.

(5) retry

Retry count for the execution of operation components.

If the operation component terminates with a return value of 161, it specifies the number of times startup is to be retried. Values between 0 and 5 can be specified.

As a result of retrying, if the operation components ended with return values other than 161, the execution of the operation component ends even if it doesn't reach the specified retry count. The return values of the operation component become the value executed at the end.

For example: When retries are to be performed twice: 2

(6) retry_interval

Retry interval (seconds) for operation components.

If the operation component ends with a return value of 161, the startup retry interval is specified. Values between 1 and 14400 can be specified.

For example: When retrying in 300 seconds: 300

If specification of timeout, retry and retry_interval is omitted, and a value beyond the limits of the above-mentioned is input, the value specified with the operation components definition file becomes effective. Refer to "2.5 Definition File for Operation Components" for details.

Return Values



Return value




Schedule Definitions successfully registered.



Schedule Definitions registration failed. Retry if a retry count has been specified.


You do not have the permissions to start the specified process definition.


A schedule or Schedule Pattern with the same name already exists.


The specified process definition does not exist or is not public.


There is an error in the option content.


Schedule Definitions registration failed.




Execution of the operation component timed out.


The operation component was not executed. There is a problem in the setting to execute operation components.


Failed to execute the operation component. There is a problem in the Management Server environment.


The operation component was not executed. There is a problem in the operation component input information specification.


The operation component was not executed normally. There is a problem in the operation component output information specification.


The operation component was not executed. There is a possibility that the operation components are not registered in the Management Server.


The Automated Operation Process has been cancelled because the Automated Operation Process was recovered while the operation component was executing.

Output Information




If registration of Schedule Definitions is successful, set the following message:

The operation component was successful.

If Schedule Definition registration failed, the error content is set as a string.


Set the Schedule Definition ID and Schedule Definition name as a result of registration.

Output example:

schedule_definition_id:1 schedule_definition_name:schedule_def_name


Set the registered Schedule Definition ID.


Set the registered Schedule Definition name.


Set the return value.
