Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide

3.9.9 Stop virtual server


This operation component connects to the virtual environment management product and stops a virtual server.

The component establishes connection by using the information registered in the Configuration Management Database (CMDB).


Basic Options

(1) servername

Name of the virtual server to be stopped. Specify the virtual server name that is registered in the Virtual Environment Management Server.

Multiple names can be specified for the name of the server to be restarted.

If the virtual environment is managed by ServerView Resource Orchestrator, specify the L-Server name.

An argument error occurs if the virtual server name is omitted.

The maximum allowable server names is 100. An argument error will occur if this limit is exceeded.

The specification is in CSV format. Refer to "3.17 Notes on Specifying Multiple Input Parameters" for examples of multiple specifications.

Advanced Options

(1) forcestop

Virtual server stop operation force option.

Specify "on" to stop the virtual server forcibly, without using virtual server OS shutdown processing.

Specify "off" if you do not want forced stop to be used.
If the stop mode is omitted, "off" is set. This option is not case sensitive.

(2) multiplicity

Specify the execution multiplicity for stopping virtual servers.

Values between 1 and 100 can be specified.

If a value greater than the number of server names specified for the "servername" option is used, the operation component runs as though the "servername" value has been specified for "multiplicity".

If this option is omitted, the operation component will run as though "10" has been specified.

If a large value is specified for this option, there may be a burden on the managed product in the virtual environment.

(3) operationmode

Specify the parts movement mode for when multiple servers to be stopped are specified.

The valid values are below, and these option are not case sensitive. :

continue : Execute to the end of the specified host.

abort : Suspend processing in the host where the error was discovered.

If omitted or some other value than the options listed above is specified, "continue" is used by default.

If "abort" is specified and a multiplicity of 2 or higher is specified, the component will not be interrupted until the server processing that is executing at the time the error is detected completes.

This will be ignored if only one server will be stopped.

(4) timeout

This is the completion timeout (seconds) for the execution of operation components.

Values between 300 and 86400 (1 day) can be specified.

For example: When timeout is to occur every 10 minutes: 600

When the execution of the operation components is not completed even if the specified time passes, the processing of the operation components is interrupted in return value 201.

(5) retry

This is the retry count for the execution of operation components.

When the operation components end in return value 161, the retry count is specified. Values between 0 and 5 can be specified.

As a result of retrying, if the operation components ended by the return values other than 161, the execution of the operation components ends even if it doesn't reach the specified retry count. The return values of the operation components become the value executed at the end.

For example: When retries are to be performed twice: 2

Note that the specification for this option is ignored if multiple server names have been specified.

(6) retry_interval

This is the retry interval (seconds) for operation components.

When the operation components end in return value 161, the retry interval is specified. Values between 1 and 14400 can be specified.

For example: When retrying in 300 seconds: 300

If timeout, retry and retry interval are omitted, and the value beyond the limits is input, the value specified with the operation components definition file becomes effective. Refer to "2.5 Definition File for Operation Components" for details.

Return Values



Return value




Virtual server stop was successful.


The virtual server is already stopped.



Connection error occurred between the Virtual Environment Management Server. Retried if a retry count has been specified. If multiple server names have been specified, retries will not be performed.


Authentication failed to connect the Virtual Environment Management Server.


Failed to stop the virtual server.


Multiple operations failed. For the return values for the operations on each server, check the "Return_code" column in output information "server_stop_result".


Connection to the Virtual Environment Management Server failed during execution.


An attempt to connect to the Virtual Environment Management Server has failed.

If the virtual environment is not being managed by ServerView Resource Orchestrator, an error will occur in the communication process with the server (file transfer infrastructure) if an operation component executes an operation to a server that has an agent installed. In this case, the error code for the file transfer infrastructure is output to the execution results. Refer to "3.21 Detailed Code of File Transfer Infrastructure" for information on error codes.


There is an error in the option content.


Execution of operation component timed out.




The operation component was not executed. There is a problem in the setting to execute operation components.


Failed to execute the operation component. There is a problem in the Operation Automation Server environment.


The operation component was not executed. There is a problem with the input information specification of the operation component.


The operation component was not executed normally. There is a problem with the output information specification of the operation component.


The operation components were not executed. There is a possibility that the operation components are not registered in the Management Server.


The Automated Operation Process has been canceled because the Automated Operation Process was recovered while the operation component was executing.

Output information




  • If a single server name has been specified for "servername":

    This variable is set to a message that indicates the execution result.

  • If multiple server names have been specified for "servername":

    This variable will be set to the following message if all of the servers are stopped successfully.

    The operation component was successful.

    If some or all of the servers fail to stop, information for the servers that failed to stop will be output using the same format as the "server_stop_result" variable.


This variable is set to the result of executing the stop request on the specified server.


This variable is set to a list of servers that stopped successfully. This specification is in the CSV format.


This variable is set to a list of servers that failed to stop. This specification is in the CSV format.


This variable is set to the return value.

The output format for the "server_stop_result" variable is as follows:

[hostname],[return value],[output data],[message]

For [output data], one of the following will be output:

For [message], one of the following will be output:


If "server1,server2,server3" has been specified for the "servername" option, and server "server3" has failed to stop.

"server1",0,"server1","The virtual server termination processing has been completed.
"server2",0,"server2","The virtual server termination processing has been completed.
"server3",161,"","Error occurred. VirtualServerName=<server3> detail=<Message='Invalid servername specified
or information registered in CMDB is wrong.'>"

Note: This example has been split over multiple lines to make it easier to read, but information for a single server will be output on a single line.

In the example above, the following will be output to the "message" variable.


"server3",161,"","Error occurred. VirtualServerName=<server3> detail=<Message='Invalid servername specified
or information registered in CMDB is wrong.'>"

Note: This example has been split over multiple lines to make it easier to read, but information for a single server will be output on a single line.
