This command collects the investigation data for Systemwalker Runbook Automation Agent and stores it in the specified data collection directory on the Linked Server.
swrba_collectinfo_agent Data collection directory |
Specifies the directory that stores the Systemwalker Runbook Automation Agent investigation data.
It is necessary to specify an existing directory. The specified directory must also not contain any files or subdirectories.
It is not possible to specify a directory name that contains spaces.
Return Values
Normal termination
Abnormal termination
Command Location
<Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation directory>\bin |
/opt/FJSVswrbaa/bin |
Privilege Required/Execution Environment
This command requires administrator privileges. When using Windows Server 2008 or later operating system, run as an administrator.
This command can be executed on a Linked Server.
This can only be executed by a system administrator (superuser).
This command can be executed on a Linked Server.
swrba_collectinfo_agent c:\temp |
/opt/FJSVswrbaa/bin/swrba_collectinfo_agent /tmp/info |
Execution Result/Output Format
Information was collected in (c:\temp) |
Information was collected in (/tmp/info). |